Trandafiri Cu Visine (dough Roses With Sour Cherries)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
Sour cherries are in season here. I don't like to eat them fresh, but what a wonderful filling they are for cakes! This year my husband remembered that his grandmother used to fill with sour cherries a sweet- dough made with yeast. It was a very tasty alternative to my sour cherry - filled sponge cake.
Si am ajuns si in sezonul visinelor! Nu-mi place sa le mananc in stare proaspata, dar ce minunate sunt in prajituri. Pana acum obisnuiam sa fac un fel de pansidpan pe care sa-l umplu cu visine cu zahar. Anul acesta sotul meu, rememorand prajiturile facute de bunica lui, si-a adus aminte ca ea punea visinele intr-un aluat ce semana cu cel de cozonac. Am zis sa incerc si eu. Am folosit un aluat asemanator cu cel de la “Trandafiri”, pe care l-am umplut cu visine. Recunosc ca m-am inspirat si de la dentistutza de pe
Ingrediente (pentru o tava rotunda cu diametrul de 40 cm)
- ½ kg visine, fara samburi, presarate cu 8 linguri de zahar
- 500 g faina pentru cozonac
- 25 g drojdie proaspata
- 200 g zahar
- 250 ml lapte gras, caldut
- 200 g unt topit
- 4 galbenusuri
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie naturala
- un praf de sare
- zahar vanilat (facut in casa) pentru presarat
Pune visinele intr-o strecuratoare deasupra unui castron, ca sa se scurga sucul. Amesteca drojdia cu 2 lingurite de zahar (din cele 200 g) si 50 ml din lapte. Lasa 15 minute. In timpul asta topeste untul si lasa-l sa se raceasca. Omogenizeaza galbenusurile si amesteca-le cu laptele ramas. Amesteca faina cu zaharul, sarea, drojdia. Adauga galbenusurile. Amesteca. Pune untul si esenta de vanilie. Amesteca cu mana, nu prea mult, doar pana ce se formeaza un aluat omogen si moale, dar care poate fi intins. Lasa la crescut cam 1 ora.
English version
Ingredients (for a round tray, diameter 40 cm)
- 1 pound (½ kg) sour cherries, deseeded, sprinkled with 8 tablespoons sugar
- 3 1/3 cups (500g) cake flour
- 1 package (25g) fresh yeast
- 3/4 cup (200 g) sugar
- 1 cup (250 ml) warm milk
- 3/4 cup(200 g) melted butter
- 4 egg yolks
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- a pinch of salt
- homemade vanilla sugar, to sprinkle
Put cherries in a strainer over a bowl to drain the juice. Mix yeast with 2 tablespoons of sugar (from 200 g) and 50 ml of milk. Leave 15 minutes. During this melt butter and let cool. Homogenized yolks and mix them with remaining milk. Mix flour with sugar, salt, yeast. Add egg yolks. Mix. Put butter and vanilla essence. Mix by hand, not much, just until dough formed is soft and homogeneous, but can be . Let rise for about an hour.
Sprinkle work surface with flour and put the dough on it. Divide it into three pieces. Stretch each piece using a rolling pin, to be more long than wide, and thin. Put the cherries lengthwise, near to the edge. Roll sheet of dough, so that the cherries are inside. Cut 2 inch (4 cm) pieces and put them side by side in buttered pan, with cherries on top. Repeat for remaining dough. Let rise for ½ hour. During that preheat oven to 180 C. Bake 20-30 minutes. After you remove them from the oven sprinkle with the cherry juice and vanilla sugar