Tort Tinkerbell (tinkerbell Cake)

articol scris de tortcraiova blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

The second cake of the day is for a 7 years old young lady (the Rusteze fan's twin sister), well this is definitely my favorite cake o far. Love it, love it, love it!!! I know Tinkerbell doesn't look like real Tinkerbell (actually, my daughter asked me if that's Tinkerbell's mom :-))))), gentile, please!
And if you didn't laugh until know, well, let me show you my "real face" that my sweetie made it for me, just to show me how much she loves me :-)))
Cel de-al doilea tort al zilei este pentru surioara geamana a posesorului masinii rosii de mai jos. Ce sa mai, acest tortulet este in topul preferintelor mele, imi place rau de tot! Stiu ca n-arata ca adevarata Tinkerbell (de fapt, fetita mea m-a intrebat daca este mama lui Tinkerbell :-))))), asa ca...indulgenta, va rog!!
Si daca n-ati ras pana acum, permite-ti-mi sa va arat adevarata mea fatza, pe care mi-a facut-o fetita mea, asa ca sa-mi arate cat de mult ma iubeste :-))))