Tort Ski (ski Theme Cake)

articol scris de tortcraiova blog
I could call this cake a speedy one. I received the order this morning around 10 am and had to finish it by 5 pm (I'm slow, or what?)...And I realized that it's a little bit harder to make an irregular shape (I know that it doesn't look like, but I tried my best to make it like a hill:-))) than a strait one... Anyway, because this cake will be eaten in Bucharest, I had to keep it as long as possible in fridge, that's why I choose to make this design instead of a ski boot - as we initially set (I know this cake it's less spectacular than a ski boot, but at that moment I thought this is the right thing to do.. to make a ski boot cake means to keep the cake a little bit longer on the counter top rather than the fridge + shipping = don't wanna thing about how the cake will end up... ). I really, really hope that the b-day guy liked it :-))
As putea sa spun ca tortuletul acesta este unul dintre cele mai rapide pe care le-am facut, tinand conta ca am primit comanda undeva in jurul orei 10 si l-am terminat pe la 17 (cred ca nu m-am oltenizat definitiv, si farama de ardeleanca din mine inca isi mai pune amprenta :-))))). Ma misc incet sau ce? Alta explicatie...n-am. Stiu ca nu prea pare, dar m-am straduit cat am putut sa fac un deal si mi se pare mult mai greu de facut decat un tort normal, perfect rotund (ca sa fiu mai precisa, o sectiune de cilindru :-)))).
Initial, acest tort trebuia sa fie sub form unui clapar care presupunea sa-l tin mai mult timp pe masa de lucru decat in frigider, asa ca, pe masura ce-l faceam am constientizat ca-l asteapta totusi un drum pana la Bucuresti si era destul de caldut afara. Ce sa mai, decat sa-l vad stricat la destinatie, am optat pentru acest design, care este mai putin spectaculos decat claparul (care abia astep sa-l realizez cu proxima ocazie). Eu sper din tot sufletul sa-i fi placut sarbatoritului :-)), caruia ii doresc un sincer La Multi Ani, dar mai ales multa sanatate!