Tort Lightning Mcqueen Rusteze 2,3&4 ( Lightning Mcqueen Rusteze Cake)

articol scris de tortcraiova blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Last weekend was a "boring" one... I made 3 cakes for 3 different little boys....the same, the only one, the most requested: Lightning McQueen. Due to the lack of time, only one McQueen stayed enough time on my fridge, so I had the chance to take some pictures. And just a little note: this cake was build from my memory, I forgot my source of inspiration (the laptop!) in my bedroom where the little one was taking a nap... so, I preferred to work in silence :-)
Am avut un weekend tare "plictisitor"... am facut 3 torturi la fel pentru 3 baietei....toate avand acceasi tema: Lightning McQueen. Si pentru ca le-am terminat la timita, doar unul dintre ele a stat in frigider ceva timp, astfel ca am reusit sa-i fac o poza. Referitor la McQueen-ul de mai sus, a fost sculptat si decorat din memorie...imi lasasem sursa de inspiratie (laptop-ul !) in dormitor unde isi facea somnul de frumusete cel mic...asa ca am preferat sa lucrez in liniste :-)