Tort Bomar (bomar Logo Cake)

articol scris de tortcraiova blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Heeey, it-s good to be back again from a "tooo short" vacation!
A few days ago, Simona, a very talented and gentle colleague of mine ( we attend the same master classes a couple of years ago ) told me that she would love to taste one of my sweet creations. Well, I do really hope I'll meet her expectations :-)
P.S. Alex (the birthday guy) works for Bomar
Draga Simona iti multumesc din suflet pentru felicitare, m-a emotionat gestul tau
Sper ca tortuletul a fost pe masura asteptarilor si va pup cu drag :-)
La Multi Ani cu multa sanatate lui Alex!