Tarta Ratatouille (ratatouille Quiche)

articol scris de Brindusa blog brindusascheaua.blogspot.com
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
Am facut aceasta tarta pentru concursul de pe Kotanyi. Daca va place, va rog sa dati mai intai like site-ului http://www.facebook.com/KotanyiRo
apoi like la reteta Tarta Ratatoille . Multumesc. Si acum, iata cum am facut-o
Ingrediente pentru o tava de 26 cm:
Pentru crusta
- 150 g faina
- 60 g unt
- 1 lingurita sare
- 3-4 linguri de apa rece
Pentru umplutura
- 1vanata
- 1 dovlecel
- 1 ardei rosu
- 1 ardei portocaliu
- piper dupa gust
- 100 g cascaval
- 100 g mozzarella
- 100 g branza de burduf
- 3 oua
- 200 ml smantana
- 6 linguri de ulei
Cum se face:
- In cuva robotului (sau se poate amesteca cu mana) pune faina, untul, sarea si 3 linguri de apa rece
- Amesteca putin. Daca nu se formeaza o bila de coca mai adauga cate o lingura de apa. Nu amesteca mult, ci numai pana ce coca s-a format. Scoate coca din cuva si inveleste-o in folie de plastic. Pune-o in frigider minim 30 minute. Cand ai scos coca din frigider, incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C
- Pe masa data putin cu faina intinde coca cu sucitorul, pana cand e destul de mare sa acopere tava de tarta
- Pune coca in tava, apasand bine pe curbele de pe margine. Inteapa-i fundul din loc in loc cu o furculita. Pune hartie de copt pe fundul tartei si umple-o cu boabe de fasole. Modul acesta de a coace tarta se numeste "in orb" si se face asa pentru ca fundul tartei sa nu se umfle si sa se deformeze.
- Coace tarta 15 minute, nu total, la 180 C
- In acest timp prepara umplutura: Taie toate legumele felii. Incalzeste cate putin ulei si prajeste feliile de vinete si dovlecei pe ambele parti, pana se inmoaie putin
- Rade cascavalul si branza mozzarella. Pune branzeturile pe fundul blatului de tarta.
- Aseaza feliile din legume alternativ vanata, dovlecel, ardei rosu, ardei galben. Presara piper
- Bate bine ouale. Adauga branza de burduf si smantana. Amesteca pana se omogenizeaza. Adauga piper dupa gust. Toarna amestecul peste legume.
- Coace tarta in cuptorul incalzit la 180 C, pentru 30 de minute (sau pana cand se intareste si se aureste)
English version
I baked this quiche for a contest, at Kotanyi site. If you think it is nice, please LIKE it. For this first you have to like the site here
Second, like my quiche here. Thanks. And now, let talk about the recipe.
Ingredients for a 26 cm tray:
For crust
* 150 g flour
* 60 g butter
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 3-4 tablespoons cold water
For the filling
* 1 eggplant
* 1 zucchini
* 1 red bell pepper
* 1 orange bell pepper
* freshly ground black pepper to taste
* 100 g swiss cheese
* 100 g mozzarella
* 100 g goat cheese
* 3 eggs
* 200 ml sour cream
* 6 tablespoons olive oil
How To:
* 1 eggplant
* 1 zucchini
* 1 red bell pepper
* 1 orange bell pepper
* freshly ground black pepper to taste
* 100 g swiss cheese
* 100 g mozzarella
* 100 g goat cheese
* 3 eggs
* 200 ml sour cream
* 6 tablespoons olive oil
How To:
- Put the flour, butter, salt and 3 tablespoons cold waterin the food processor (or by hand) and pulse them until a ball of dough is formed. If this doesn't happen, add one more tablespoon of water. Do not mix much, but only until the dough has formed. Remove dough from bowl and wrap it in plastic wrap. Put in refrigerator at least 30 minutes. When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, heat oven to 190 C
- Sprinkle the table with flour and stretch the dough until it's big enough to cover the tart tray
- Place the dough in the tray, pressing well on the edge to obtain a nice shape. With a fork pierce the bottom of the crust from place to place. Put parchment paper on the bottom of the tarts and fill it with beans.
- Bake the crust 15 minutes, not total
- Meanwhile prepare the filling: Cut all vegetables into slices. Heat a little oil and soften in it the eggplant and zucchini slices on both sides.
- Remove tart shell from oven and carefully remove the beans and baking sheet.
- Grate the swiss cheese and mozzarella cheese. Put them on bottom of tart .Place alternating slices of vegetables, eggplant, zucchini, red peppers, yellow peppers. Sprinkle black pepperto taste.
- Beat eggs. Add goat cheese and cream. Mix until smooth. Add black pepper to taste. Pour mixture over vegetables.
- Bake tart in a hot oven at 180 C for 30-40 minutes. Remove tart from oven and leave in pan 5 minutes, than put it on a metal grill and let cool.