Tarta Cu Zmeura, Piersici Si Ciocolata (raspberry And Peach Chocolate Tart)

articol scris de Brindusa blog brindusascheaua.blogspot.com
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
Caldura asta neobisnuita pentru luna septembrie a avut totusi si rezultate deosebit de placute (pentru mine): foarte multe fructe in piete. De data asta am ales sa fac o tarta cu zmeura si piersici, dar nu l-am uitat nici pe sotul meu si am adaugat si niste ciocolata. Pentru umplutura facuta la rece, am folosit creme anglaise cu putina gelatina, ca sa stea mai tare si sa poata fi taiata mai usor.
Pentru tarta
- 250 g faina
- 1 ou
- 150 g unt rece, taiat bucati
- 1 lingura cu smantana
- 5 galbenusuri
- 500 g lapte
- 150 g zahar
- 5 g gelatina
- 100 g ciocolata, taiata mic
- 100 g zmeura
- 3- 4 piersici
- 200 ml apa
- 50 g zahar
- 50 g zmeura
Mod de preparare:
- Mai intai se face coaja de tarta, care trebuie racita inainte de a pune crema. Amesteca faina cu untul rece, pana ce se formeaza un amestec nisipos. Adauga oul si smantana si amesteca putin, numai pana se omogenizeaza. Acopera coca cu folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider 30 minute.
- Amesteca galbenusurile cu zaharul si bate-le usor, pana se deschid la culoare si se ingroasa.
- Incalzeste bine laptele, dar nu pana la fierbere. Toarna laptele peste oua, incet si in fir subtire, amestecand continuu, ca a nu se branzeasca.
- Pune amestecul pe foc mic si, amesteca mereu pana ce amestecul se mai ingroasa (crema nu se va ingrosa foarte tare, dar nu va mai curge din lingura ca laptele, ci va glasa lingura)
- Ia crema de pe foc si las-o putin la racit. Presara gelatina peste crema si amestec-o bine. Adauga ciocolata, lasa 2-3 minute, apoi amestec-o bine. Lasa crema la racit, pana ce ajunge la temperatura corpului. Adauga zmeura si amesteca usor.
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C
- Pentru coaja de tarta, scoate coca din frigider si intinde-o la dimensiunea tavii. Intinde coca in tava, si coace 10 minute la 180 C in orb (acoper-o cu hartie de copt, toarna deasupra boabe de fasole si pune-o la copt). Scoate hartia de copt si fasolea si mai lasa tarta 10- 15 minute in cuptor, pana se aureste. Raceste tarta.
- Pune cei 200 ml apa cu 50 g zahar la fiert. Cand a dat in clocot, pune piersicile inauntru. Daca lichidul nu le acopera, mai adauga putina apa. Lasa la fiert pana ce piersicile s-au inmuiat (10 - 12 minute). Scoate piersicile, raceste-le, scoate-le coaja si taie-le in felii.
- Umple tarta cu crema si orneaz-o cu felii de piersica si zmeura. Pune la frigider minimum 5 ore inainte de a servi tarta.
English version
This unusual hot September has a very pleasant results (for me): a lot of fruit in markets. This time I chose to make a tart with raspberries and peaches, but I did not forget my husband and I added some chocolate. For the filling, I used cream anglaise with a bit of gelatin, so the cream will not spread when I cut the tart.Ingredients:Tart crust
- 250 g flour
- 1 egg
- 150 g butter cold, cut pieces
- 1 tablespoon sour cream
Creme anglaise:
- 5 yolks
- 500 g milk
- 150 g sugar
- 5 g gelatin
- 100 g chocolate, chopped
- 100 g raspberries
For garnish
- 3-4 peaches
- 200 ml water
- 50 g sugar
- 50 g raspberries
- Make the tart shell. Mix flour with cold butter until it forms a sandy mixture. Add egg and cream and mix a little, just until smooth. Cover dough with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator 30 minutes.
- Combine the egg yolks and sugar in a stainless-steel bowl. Whip until thick and light. Scald the milk in a boiling-water bath or over direct heat. Very gradually pour the scalded milk into the egg yolk mixture while stirring constantly with the whip. Set the bowl over simmering water. Heat it slowly, stirring constantly, until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon.
- Immediately remove the bowl from the heat and allow it to cool slightly. Sprinkle the gelatin and stir it well. Add the chocolate and stir it until completely melted. Allow the cream to cool to body temperature. Add the raspberry and mix slightly.
- Preheat the oven to 180 C
- For the tart shell, roll out the dough and lie the tart pan with the dough. Blind bake the tart (cover it with baking paper, pour over some beans) for 10 minutes. Remove baking paper and beans and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden. Cool the tart.
- Put the 200 ml water and 50 g sugar to boil. When boiled, put the peaches inside. If liquid does not cover them, add some water. Leave to boil until the peaches have softened (10-12 minutes). Remove peaches, cool them, peel them off and cut them in slices.
- Fill the tart with cream and decorate it with sliced peaches and raspberries. Put in refrigerator at least 5 hours before serving.