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Supa De Curcan Cu Taietei De Casa (turkey Soup With Homemade Pasta)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


O supa rapida si foarte gustoasa, buna sa te scoale dupa boala :))
Ingrediente pentru 8 portii:

  • 1 aripa de curcan, taiata in bucati mai mici
  • 1 gat de curcan
  • 1 picior de curcan cu os, taiat bucati
  • 7 l apa
  • 6 morcovi, curatati, intregi
  • 3 cepe,curatate, intregi
  • 1 radacina patrunjel, curatata, intreaga
  • 1 telina mica, curatata, intreaga,
  • 3 frunze de dafin
  • 1 lingurita boabe piper negru
  • sare, piper dupa gust
  • 250 g taietei de casa

Cum se face:

  • Pune carnea de curcan in apa rece, la foc sa fiarba. Cand a dat primul clocot da focul mic si scoate cu grija spuma formata
  • Fierbe la foc mic supa, acoperita, 30 minute
  • Pune toate legumele, inclusiv dafinul si boabele de piper. Fierbe la foc mic 45 minute. Dupa acest timp carnea si legumele ar trebui sa fie fierte. Daca nu sunt fierte, mai lasa pana ce sunt facute.
  • Strecoara supa in alta oala. Scoate carnea de pe oase.
  • In supa fierbe taieteii 10 minute.
  • Potriveste supa de sare si piper.
  • Pune in fiecare castron cateva bucatele de carne, putin morcov si supa cu taietei

English version

This is that type of soup good not only for the soul, but for cold too :)) You know, I am still recovering.
Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • A turkey wing, cut into smaller pieces
  • A turkey neck
  • A turkey leg , cut in pieces
  • 7 l water
  • 6 carrots, peeled, left whole
  • 3 onions, peeled, left whole
  • 1 parsley root, peeled, left whole
  • 1 small celery, peeled, left whole,
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper grains
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 250 g homemade pasta

How To:

  • Put the turkey pieces in cold water, and heat to boil. Remove the foam formed, as needed
  • Simmer the soup, covered, 30 minutes
  • Put all vegetables, including bay leaves and peppercorns. Simmer 45 minutes. After this time the meat and vegetables should be soft. If not cooked, simmer the soup until is done .
  • Strain soup into another pot. Remove meat from bones.
  • Boil pasta in the liquid until soft.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Place in each bowl few pieces of meat, some carrot and 3 ladles of soup.

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