Strawberry Cheesecake
Sursa Strawberry cheesecake

articol scris de Gabi99 blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Am cautat peste tot o reteta asa cum trebuie de "Strawberry cheesecake". Am gasit ceva, nu intocmai cu ce am mancat eu pe cand lucram pe vas, dar si asta a fost buna si mi-am permis sa o modific putin, asa cum fac de fiecare data. Iata cantitatile folosite de mine:
Pentru blat:
- 215 gr. de biscuiti digestivi (atat cantarea pachetul cumparat de mine si l-am folosit pe tot)
- 2 linguri de apa
- 100 gr. unt
Pentru umplutura:
- 750 gr. branza ricota (o puteti inlocui cu orice fel de branza crema, am vazut ca multe retete recomanda Philadelphia, dar eu am incercat de data aceasta Ricota)
- 150 gr. zahar (brun de preferinta)
- 200 ml. frisca lichida (poate fi inlocuita cu o cutiuta de smantana)
- 3 oua
- 2-3 lingurite de esenta de vanilie
- 2 plicuri de zahar vanilat
- un parf de sare
Pentru decor:
- 4 linguri de zahar
- 500 gr. capsuni
Mod de preparare:
Zdrobiti biscuitii si amestecati-i cu untul pe care l-ati topit si l-ati lasat la racit in prealabil. Se adauga si 2 linguri de apa, dar optional. Depinde de textura blatului obtinut. Amestecul trebuie sa fie omogen si urmeaza sa il intindeti intr-o tavita rotunda, pe toata suprafata sa. Eu am folosit o tava speciala pentru torturi si am intins blatul doar pe fundul tavii, pe cand unele retete recomanda sa fie intins si pe peretii tavii. Depinde de cum doriti.
Dupa ce ati intins blatul bagati tava la cuptor la foc mediu, timp de 10-15 minute. Scoateti-l si lasati-l la racit.
Realizati amestecul de branza: se amesteca zaharul cu ricota foarte bine (chiar se mixeaza, daca doriti o crema perfecta). Se adauga ouale, mixand in continuare, zaharul vanilat, esenta de vanilie, praful de sare si frisca (sau cutiuta de smantana). Dupa ce toate ingredientele sunt bine amestecate, le turnati peste blat si bagati tava la cuptor, timp de 45 min.- 1 h. Prajitura este gata atunci cand devine rumena la suprafata. O scoateti din cuptor si o lasati sa se raceasca.
Intre timp, pregatiti capsunile pentru decor. Jumatate din cantitatea de capsuni o veti folosi pentru realizarea unei glazuri, iar cealalta jumatate, pentru acoperirea blatului. Glazura o veti realiza prin fierberea a 250 gr. capsuni cu 4 linguri de zahar, precum o dulceata. Se fierb cam 20 min.- 25 min., se inlatura spuma, se scoate de pe foc si se mixeaza bine dupa ce se raceste.
Glazura se intinde peste prajitura, iar cu restul capsunilor se orneaza pe deasupra. Eu am acoperit toata suprafata, incercand sa reproduc prajitura incercata acum cativa ani si in centrul prajiturii chiar am adaugat si zmeura.
Dati prajitura la frigider pentru cel putin o ora.
Pofta buna!
For the dough:
- 215 gr. graham crackers (that was the weight of the package I bought and I used it all)
- 2 spoons of water
- 100 gr.butter
For the filling:
- 750 gr. ricota cheese (you can replace it with any type of cream cheese, I noticed that most of the recepies were reccomending Philadelphia cream cheese, but I chose Ricota this time)
- 150 gr. sugar (brown, if possible)
- 200 ml. liquid whipped cream (can be replaced with a small box of sour cream)
- 3 eggs
- 2-3 tps. vanilla essence
- 2 small envelopes of vanilla sugar
- a touch of salt
For the decoration:
- 4 spoons of sugar
- 500 gr. strawberries
Smash the biscuits and mix the crumbs with the butter, which you melted before and let it turn cold. You add 2 spoons of water, but optional. It depends on the texture of the crust. You spread this mix on the bottom of the pan, or if you want, you can spread it on the walls of the pan also, and put it in the oven for 10-15 min. until it gets a bit brown. Later, you take it out and let it get cold a bit. Remenber that this layer shoudl be very thin.
Make the cheese filling: you mix very well the sugar with the ricota (or any other cream cheese you chose). You add the eggs, the vanilla sugar, the vanilla essence, the salt and the whipped cream (or the small box of sour cream). After all the ingredients are well mixed, pour the filling on the biscuit crust and put the pan in the oven for about 45 min.-1 hour. The cake is ready when its surface turns brown. When it does, take it out and let it "relax".
In the main time, get the strawberries ready for the decoration.Half of the strawberries will be used for the icing and the other half for spreading on top of the cake.You make the icing, by boling around 250 gr. of the strawberries with 4 spoons of sugar for about 20 min.-25 min.You take away the foam, you take it off the fire, wait until it turns cold and mix it till it gets really creamy.
You spread the icing on top of the cake and "dress" the cake with the rest of the strawberries. I covered all its surface and even added some raspberries, as I had some left.
Put the cake in the fridge for about one hour.