Stir Fry Beef With Asparagus, Red Pepper And Rice/vita Cu Sparanghel, Ardei Si Orez - Stil Chinezesc

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Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Oficial, una dintre cele mai bune retete chinezesti pe care am mancat-o. Reteta am luat-o pe de internet (sa ne traiasca vesnic) si am mai adaugat si scos cateva ingrediente dupa bunul meu plac. Am avut ceva emotii dar asa de tare mi-a placut, incat am mancat si a doua zi din ea, rar fac asta! Pana si sotul meu a fost foarte incantat, desi el nu e mare fan al bucatariei chinezesti. Este plina de arome si se potriveste perfect cu orez. Saptamana asta clar o repet!
Ingredients (4 pers.):
3 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 chopped shallot
10 asparagus, trimmed, cut on the diagonal into 1 1/2 inch lengths (about 1 1/2 cups)
500g of flank steak, sliced in half lengthwise (along the grain) and then cut into thin strips, 2 inches long and 1/4 inch wide (put the steak in the freezer for 15 minutes before slicing to make it easier to slice)
1 red bell pepper, seeded, de-ribbed, and cut into thin strips 2 inches long and 1/4 inch wide
100g green beans
200g sliced mushrooms
2 teaspoons of cornstarch dissolved into 3 Tablespoons of water
All Purpose Stir Fry Sauce:
3 Tbsp soy sauce (use gluten-free soy sauce for gluten-free version)
1 tsp finely chopped, peeled, fresh ginger (I didn't use, as I don't like it)
2 small garlic cloves, minced
2 green onions, including green tops, chopped
1/2 tsp chili oil
1 chopped onion
1 grated carrot
50ml white wine dry
1 litre chicken soup
3 linguri ulei vegetal
O ceapa rosie tocata marunt
10 fire sparanghel taiate pe diagonala, 4 cm lungime, fara capete
500g vita taiata bucatele nu foarte groase
Un ardei gras rosu taiat betisoare
200g ciuperci taiate felii
100g fasole verde
2 lingurite cornstarch dizolvate in 3 linguri de apa/sau un agent de ingrosare, poate faina?
3 linguri sos soia
1 lingurita ginger proaspat taiat cubulete (eu nu am pus pentru ca nu imi place)
2 catei de usturoi tocati
2 cepe verzi taiate marunt
O jumatate lingurita ulei de chili
O cana de orez basmati
1 ceapa tocata marunt
1 morcov ras
50ml vin alb sec
1 litru de supa de pui
For the stir fry sauce, mix all the ingredients and set aside.
While you are chopping the ingredients in preparation, bring a small saucepan of water to boil. Parboil the green beans for 10 minutes and in the last 2 minutes, ad the asparagus, drain, rinse in cold water, drain, and set aside.
Rice: In another pot, heat a teaspoon of oil, add the onion and carrot, leave until it's soft, add the rice and mix until it's transparent, then the wine until it evaporates. Everything at low to medium heat. Then add gradually the soup and stir well. Season.
Stir-fry the asparagus and green beans in a wok (or a thick-bottomed pan with at least 2" sides that can take high heat) in 1 Tbsp of oil, on high heat, for about 2 minutes until lightly browned. Remove from pan and set aside.
Add another Tbsp of oil to the pan and stir fry the onion and the beef strips, for 2-3 minutes until browned. Add the bell pepper and mushrooms. Stir and toss over high heat until just beginning to wilt, 1-2 minutes.
Quickly stir the cornstarch liquid and add it to the pan along with the stir fry sauce. Cook until sauce thickens, 1-2 minutes. Return the green vegetables to the pan, toss to evenly coat and serve with rice.
Pentru sosul de ceapa verde, amestecati toate ingredientele si lasati deoparte.
Intr-o oala cu apa fierbinte, opariti fasolea verde pentru 10 minute, apoi adaugati in ultimele 2 minute sparanghelul. Scurgeti, clatiti cu apa rece, scurgeti iar si puneti deoparte.
Intr-o oala pregatiti orezul astfel:
Caliti ceapa intr-o lingura de ulei, adaugati morcovul si dupa ce acestea sunt moi, in jur de 2-3 minute, adaugati orezul, totul la foc mediu spre mic. Dupa ce orezul devine transparent, timp in care continuati sa amestecati, puneti vinul, iar dupa ce acesta este absorbit complet, incepeti sa punei supa de pui, cate un polonic pe rand. Amestecati sa nu se lipeasca.
Intr-o tigaie, puneti uleiul, lasati sa se incinga, adaugati ceapa rosie tocata marunt si dupa ce aceasta devine transparenta, adaugati vita, dati focul mare, presarati putina sare si lasati sa se absoarba tot lichidul. Rumeniti pe ambele parti. Adaugati ciupercile si ardeiul gras, lasati sa se coloreze, 2 minute.Adaugati cornstarch si sosul de ceapa verde si amestecati bine pana incepe sa se ingroase, 1 minut.
Intr-o alta tigaie, puneti o lingura de ulei de masline, caliti bine sparanghelul si fasolea pana se rumenesc apoi puneti in tigaia cu carnea de vita, amestecati 1 minut si serviti fierbinte cu orezul.