Spanac Cu Pui... Sau Fara (spinach With Garlic And Sometimes Chicken)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
Dupa iarna asta lunga si rece, organismul meu plange dupa ceva verdeturi. Am fost ieri in piata si am gasit niste spanac frumos, tocmai bun pentru mancarica asta. Daca o faceti fara carne si puneti apa in loc de lapte, poate fi foarte bine mancata in post
- 1,5 kg spanac, curatat
- 5 linguri cu ulei de masline
- 10 catei de usturoi, curatati
- 50 ml lapte (sau apa)
- 2 linguri amidon de porumb
- Optional: 1 lingura smantana
- sare dupa gust
- optional: 300 g piept de pui dezosat
Cum se face:
- Taie felii 5 catei de usturoi. Pe ceilalti fa-i piure.
- Incalzeste uleiul si prajeste putin usturoiul felii. Pune spanacul si da focul mic
- Lasa pana ce spanacul e fiert. Cu ajutorul unui cutit taie putin spanacul. Daca iti place foarte mic, il poti mixa.
- Amesteca amidonul cu laptele, ca sa se dizolve. Pune amestecul in spanac si amesteca bine. Lasa sa dea 2-3 clocote.
- Adauga piureul de usturoi, smantana si potriveste de sare
- Daca vrei sa pui si carne, pregateste pieptul de pui la gratar si pune-l in spanac.
- Mai lasa sa fiarba 5 minute.
- Se serveste cald sau rece
English version
After this long winter my organism cries for some fresh vegetables. I went yesterday
After this long and cold winter, my body cries after some greens. I was in the market yesterday and found some beautiful spinach, very good for this food. It can be a vegetarian dish if you don't add chicken and use water instead of milk/cream
* 1.5 kg spinach, cleaned
* 5 tablespoons olive oil
* 10 cloves garlic, peeled
* 50 ml milk
* 2 tablespoons cornstarch
* 1 tablespoon cream
* salt to taste
* Optional: 300 g boneless chicken breast
How To:
* Slice 5 cloves of garlic. Mash the others.
* Heat the oil and fry the garlic slices. Put spinach and simmer it
* Leave until spinach is cooked. With a knife cut the spinach. If you like it very small, you can blend it.
* Mix cornstarch with milk, to dissolve. Place it in spinach mixture and mix well. Simmer a bit .
* Add the mashed garlic with salt and cream
* If you want meat, grill chicken breasts and put it in spinach.
* Simmer for 5 minutes.
* Serve hot or cold
* 1.5 kg spinach, cleaned
* 5 tablespoons olive oil
* 10 cloves garlic, peeled
* 50 ml milk
* 2 tablespoons cornstarch
* 1 tablespoon cream
* salt to taste
* Optional: 300 g boneless chicken breast
How To:
* Slice 5 cloves of garlic. Mash the others.
* Heat the oil and fry the garlic slices. Put spinach and simmer it
* Leave until spinach is cooked. With a knife cut the spinach. If you like it very small, you can blend it.
* Mix cornstarch with milk, to dissolve. Place it in spinach mixture and mix well. Simmer a bit .
* Add the mashed garlic with salt and cream
* If you want meat, grill chicken breasts and put it in spinach.
* Simmer for 5 minutes.
* Serve hot or cold