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Scrumbie La Cuptor ( Mackerel Cooked In Oven)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe.
My favorite fish. Directly from the Danube.

Pestele meu favorit. Direct din Dunare.



De data asta am facut scrumbia la cuptor, asa cum am invatat de la soacra mea. Mai intai trebuie invelita in hartie.
Si in tava direct in cuptorul incins la foc mare (200 C) cam 1 ora, sau pana incepe  sa miroasa :D
O scoti din cuptor o lasi putin sa se racoreasca si cu un cutit ascutit cureti hartia. N-are numic daca ramane si niste piele lipita de hartie. Pui scrumbiile pe un platou si , asa calde, le sarezi si le stropesti cu zeama de la 2-3 lamai.
Mie imi place scrumbia rece, parca atunci cand e calda e mai grea la ficat.




This time I cooked the mackerel in oven, as I learned from my mother in law. First, the fish must be wrapped in parchment paper. Because it is a fat fish, it will be cooked with no extra grease.
Put all fish in a tray and and place it in heated oven (at 200 C) for about 1 hour.

Take the tray out from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes. Unwrap the paper using a sharp knife if needed. Place the fish on a large plate, spatter with a lot of lemon juice (from 3 lemons), sprinkle salt and leave them to cool.

Eat it with extra lemon juice and fresh bread.

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