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Saramura De Somn (catfish In Hot- Spiced Brine)

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Scroll down for English recipe

De cateva zile sunt in vacanta prelungita la tara (unde am mari probleme cu netul!), pe undeva pe langa Dunare. Nu puteam sa scap ocazia unui pestic proaspat pescuit. De data asta, pe langa niste salai mici prajiti de mine, sotul meu a pregatit si saramura de somn.
I am in an extended holiday in a small village (where I have big problems with my internet connection!)), somewhere near the Danube. So I could not stay away from some fresh fish. This time, besides some small room that I fried, my husband made some catfish with hot-spiced brine.

  • 4 bucati de somn facut la gratar
  • 5 ardei iuti taiati in felii (sau mai multi, in functie de cat de iuti sunt)
  • 3 rosii tocate marunt (eu am avut ceva suc de rosii, ca tot era pregatit pentru conservat)
  • 300 ml apa cu sare dupa gust

Apa se fierbe un clocot, impreuna cu sarea, ca aceasta sa se dizolve. Pune ardeii in apa, apoi rosiile si lasa sa se racoreasca putin. Pune pestele in saramura si lasa-l minim 15 minuteinainte de a-l devora cu niste mamaliguta.

English version

  • 4 pieces of grilled catfish
  • 5 hot chili pepper, thinly sliced (or more, depending on how hot they are)
  • 3 tomatoes finely chopped (I had some tomato juice, that everything was ready for canned)
  • 300 ml water with salt to taste

Heat water to a boil,  along with salt, to dissolve it. Put peppers in water, then the tomatoes and let cool slightly. Put fish in brine and let minimum of 15 minutes before you devour it with some polenta  (done in Romanian style).

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