Rafinament Vienez Strudel Cu Mere Si Sos De Vanilie

articol scris de inatodoran blog retete-vegane.blogspot.com
The May Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Linda of make life sweeter! and Courtney of Coco cooks. They chose Apple Strudel from the recipe book Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague by Rick Rodgers.
Stiti care este cel mai bun lucru legat de Daring Bakers? Te determina sa gatesti chestii la care nu te-ai fi gandit ca le vei gati vreodata. Eu sunt cel mai bun exemplu: nu m-am gandit in veci ca voi gati cu manutele mele aluatul de strudel. Priveam admirativ foita aceea subtire si ma uitam cu respect la cei care o preparau. Dar se pare ca datorita acestei provocari mi-am depasit frica si am reusit sa fac acest minunat si delicios strudel (va spun garantat: este demential de bun!)
Mod preparare:
1. Punem toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecam bine. Va rezulta un aluat moale si lipicios. Presaram faina peste el si il framantam putin pt a deveni elastic si nelipicios.
2. Formam o biluta pe care o punem intr-o farfurie unsa cu ulei. Ungem si biluta cu ulei si acoperim cu folie. Lasam la cald pt 2 ore.
Intre timp ne ocupam de umplutura:
- 50 g fulgi de migdale
- 100 g unt
- 60 g pesmet
- 150 g zahar
- sucul de la 1 lamaie
- 800 g mere acrisoare
- 40 ml rom
- 50 g stafide
- 1 l-ta scortisoara
1. Prajim fulgii de migdale la foc mic, intr-o tigaie antiaderenta. Atentie sa nu-i ardeti.
2. Intr-o tigaie punem 50 g de unt, pesmetul si 50 g zahar. Lasam sa se rumeneasca, amestecand continuu cu o lingura de lemn.
3. Merele le curatam de coaja si le taiem felii subtiri.
4. Punem merele, stafidele, romul, zeama de lamaie, 100 g zahar, fulgii de migdale si scortisoara intr-un bol si amestecam bine. Lasam sa se patrunda bine aromele.
Pe o masa punem un prosop curat de bucatarie de dimensiunea 50 x 70 cm. Presaram peste el faina.
Luam aluatul din farfurie si il punem pe prosop. Il aplatizam cu palmele. Apoi presaram faina peste el si il intindem putin cu sucitorul.
Apoi il desprindem cu grija de pe prosop si il luam in mana, tinandu-l cu ajutorul pumnilor, pt a nu se rupe. Il invartim usor si cu mare mare grija, apoi il intindem bine pe prosop. Va trebui ca foaia rezultata sa fie f subtire. Marginile mai groase le taiem.
Untul ramas (50 g) il topim. Cu o pensula inmuiata in untul topit ungem marginile foii de aluat.
Presaram apoi pesmetul. Acesta are rolul de a absorbi umezeala umpluturii de mere.
Punem peste stratul de pesmet umplutura de mere.
Marginile laterale le pliem peste umplutura. Apoi, ajutandu-ne de prosop, rulam foaia de aluat, pt a obtine strudelul propriu-zis.
Ungem din nou cu unt si dam la copt la 200 grade pt 20-25 minute.
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 250 ml lapte
- 250 ml frisca
- 6 galbenusuri
- 80 g zahar pudra
1. Despicam pastaia de vanilie si scobim continutul cu ajutorul unui cutit cu varful rotund. Punem vanilia rezultata dar si pastaia intr-o craticioara. Turnam laptele si frisca si lasam sa fiarba cateva clocote.
2. Separat mixam galbenusurile cu zaharul pudra pana cand se umfla si rezulta o crema pufoasa.
3. Mixam peste galbenusuri crema fiarta.
4. Punem crema obtinuta intr-un vas pe bain marie dar NU pe foc. Apa care este in vasul de bain marie trebuie sa fie clocotita insa nu trebuie sa mai fie pe foc. Amestecam pana cand crema se ingroasa.
Dupa 25 de minute strudelul meu era gata rumenit.
Lasam sa se raceasca putin. Apoi cu un cutit bine ascutit taiem felii mai groase. Pudram cu zahar pudra si servim cu sosul de vanilie.
I decided to go for the classic strudel because I love traditional food. It’s not that I don’t like cherry fillings or cream cheese. It’s just that this is the original form of the strudel.
If you’ve been in Austria then you should know that the most common way of serving the apple strudel is with vanilla sauce. The flavours combine and you get an extraordinary sensations of well being. Yes my friend. That’s what an apple strudel should do with you.
And now, my recipe.
For the dough
- 150 ml warm milk
- 250 g flour
- 1 egg
- 2 Tbs oil
- 1 pinch of salt
1. Mix all the ingredients. You will get a sticky dough. Sprinkle some flour on the top and knead it in order to get a firm dough ball.
2. Put the dough into a greased plate. Brush the dough with oil and wrap the plate in a plastic wrap. Let it sit in a warm place for 2 hours.
For the filling
- 50 g almond flakes
- 100g butter
- 60 g breadcrumbs
- 150 g sugar
- zest of 1 lemon
- 800 g sour apples
- 40 ml rum
- 50 g raisins
- 1 tsp cinnamon
1. Cook the almond flakes until golden brown.
2. Put 50 g butter, 50 g sugar and the breadcrumbs in a pan. Cook until golden brown.
5. Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices. Mix apples, raisins, almond flakes, 100 g sugar, lemon zest, rum and cinnamon.
Making the strudel
1. Spread some flour on a clean kitchen towel (size 50x70 cm).
2. Put your dough ball in the middle and roll it out as much as you can.
Pick the dough up by holding it by an edge. This way the weight of the dough and gravity can help stretching it as it hangs. Using the back of your hands to gently stretch and pull the dough. You can use your forearms to support it.
3. Put the dough on the towel and strecth and pull the dough thinner using the backs of your hands. The dough has to be extremly thin. Cut away the thick dough around the edges with scissors.
4. Brush the edges of the dough with melted butter.
5. Spread the breadcrumbs and then the apple filling.
6. Roll the dough using your towel.
7. Put the strudel in a baking pan covered with parchment paper and cook for about 20-25 minutes (200 degrees C).
Vanilla sauce
- 1 vanilla bean
- 250 ml milk (1 cup)
- 250 ml heavy cream (1 cup)
- 6 egg yolks
- 80 g powdered sugar
1. Cut the vanilla bean and scratch the inside.
2.Combine the milk and the heavy cream in a pan. Add the vanilla extract and the vanilla bean. Bring it to a boil.
3. Mix the egg yolks and the sugar until fluffy and smooth. Add the hot milk and mix again.
4. Boil some water. Put the mixture in a pan. Put the pan over the boiled water. Stir until the sauce thickens.
Serve the strudel with powdered sugar and vanilla sauce.
Reteta recomandata de floridecires7.blogspot.com