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Pui Si Porumb In Stil Cajun (blackened Cajun Chicken & Corn)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


Am inceput operatiunea de primavara: golirea congelatorului. Ultima punga de porumb fiert. Ce sa fac cu ea? am apelat la cartile mele de bucate si iata ce am gasit in "500 Greatest-ever chicken recipes".
Ingrediente pentru 4 portii:

  • 1 piept mare de pui, taiat in 4
  • 3 bucati porumb moale
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 1 lingurita praf de usturoi
  • 1 lingurita piper praf
  • 1 lingurita chimion
  • 1/2 lingurita boia dulce (iute daca iti place)
  • 3 linguri unt topit
  • patrunjel verde tocat, pentru ornat

Cum se face

  • Incalzeste cuptorul  la 200 C. Pune gratarul inauntru.
  • Taie porumbul in bucati late
  • Amesteca intr-un castron toate cele 5 condimente.
  • Unge carnea si porumbul cu unt, apoi freaca -le bine cu praful din castron.
  • Dupa ce s-a incalzit bine gratarul, pune carnea pe el. Sub gratar pune o tava, ca sa curga sucul de la carne.
  • Lasa 15 minute. Adauga porumbul si mai lasa 15 minute. Intoarce carnea si porumbul din cand in cand.
  • Serveste mancarea calda, presarata cu patrunjel verde

English version

I started the spring operation : emptying the freezer. I found the last bag of corn. What to do with it? I turned to my cookery books and this is what I found in the "500 Greatest-ever Chicken Recipes. "
Ingredients for 4 servings:
* 1 large chicken breast, cut into 4
* 3 whole sweetcorn cobs
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon garlic
* 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
* 1 teaspoon ground cumin
* 1 / 2 teaspoon paprika
* 3 tablespoons melted butter
* chopped parsley, to garnish
How To
* Preheat oven to 200 C. Put the grill inside.
* Cut the cobs in thick slices
* Mix in a bowl all 5 spices. Brush the chicken with butter and sprinkle them and the corn slices with the spices.
* Place meat on the hot grill. Place a tray under the grill for the meat juices.
* Cook 15 minutes. Add corn and leave for 15 minutes more. Turn meat and corn from time to time.
* Serve hot, sprinkled with parsley

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