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Pui Cu Mazare Si Menta (chicken With Peas And Mint)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


Astept primavara. Am obosit sa indur iarna, zapada, frigul, bocancii... M-am gandit ca niste mazare verde ar fi tocmai buna ca sa aduca un damf de primavara. De data asta am facut ceva mai deosebit: Am pus niste menta. Ii multumesc lui Mary pentru aceasta idee.
Ingrediente pentru 4 portii:

  • 400 g piept de pui, taiat cuburi mai mari
  • 500 g mazare verde, congelata
  • 2 cepe mari, tocate
  • 3 linguri ulei de porumb
  • 1 lingurita menta uscata sau 2 lingurite menta proaspata
  • 200 ml apa
  • 50 ml vin alb
  • sare, piper dupa gust

Cum se face:

  • Incalzeste uleiul intr-o cratita. Pune carnea si prajeste-o putin pe toate partile.
  • Adauga ceapa, Amesteca


  • Lasa 3-4 minute la foc mediu, ca sa se inmoaie ceapa.
  • Adauga mazarea congelata si amesteca putin

  • Pune sare, piper, menta uscata (daca folosesti proaspata, se pune la sfarsit) si apa. Pune capacul si fierbe la foc mic 15 minute.
  • Adauga vinul si mai fierbe 5 minute. Daca folosesti menta proaspata, pune-o acum
  • Potriveste de sare si piper.


  • Serveste mancarea calda, cu salata de castraveti in saramura.

English version

I am sooo waiting for spring. I am tired to endure winter, snow, cold weather, boots ... I thought it would be nice to have some green peas and to bring a whiff of spring. This time I did something special: I put some mint. Thank you Mary for this idea.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
* 400 g chicken breast, cut in pieces
* 500 g green peas, frozen
* 2 large onions, chopped
* 3 tablespoons corn oil
* 1 teaspoon dried mint or 2 teaspoons fresh mint
* 200 ml water
* 50 ml white wine
* salt and pepper to taste
How To:
* Heat oil in a skillet. Put meat inside and fry on all sides.
* Add onion, mix
* Leave on medium heat 3-4 minutes, to soften onion.
* Add frozen peas and stir slightly
* Put salt, pepper, dried mint (if using fresh, put it at the end) and water. Put the lid and simmer 15 minutes.
* Add wine, simmer 5 more minutes. If using fresh mint, put it now
* Serve hot , with a cucumbers in brine salad.

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