Pui Cu Frunze De Curry (curry Leaves Chicken)

articol scris de Brindusa blog brindusascheaua.blogspot.com
Copacul Curry provine din India si poate atinge o inaltime de 5 metri. Frunzele seamana oarecum cu cele de dafin, dar sunt mai subtiri si au alta aroma. Arata cam asa
- 1 piept de pui, taiat bucatele mici
- 5 linguri ulei de porumb
- 1 lingurita Garam Masala
- 2 lingurite turmeric
- 7 frunze uscate de curry
- 3 catei de usturoi, rasi mic
- 3 cm ghimbir, ras mic
- 1 ceapa mare, tocata marunt
- 500 ml apa
- sare, piper dupa gust
- 300 g orez basmati
1. Inainte de a incepe gatitul, pregateste tot ce ai nevoie taiat, la indemana.
2. Incalzeste o tigaie mare si pune uleiul in ea.
3. Adauga ghimbirul si usturoiul in uleiul incins si amesteca putin. Pune Garam Msala si amesteca sa se omogenizeze.
4.Adauga ceapa si caleste-o la foc mediu pana devine translucida. Adauga frunzele de curry si caleste-le putin.
5. Adauga carnea si turmericul. Amesteca bine.
6. Pune apa si acopera cu un capac. Lasa pana ce carnea e aproape facuta.
7. Pune orezul si mai adauga putina apa daca e nevoie. Asezoneaza cu sare si piper. Lasa mancarea sub capac pana ce orezul e moale.
- 1 chicken breast, cut in small pieces
- 5 Tbs corn oil
- 1 tsp Garam Masala
- 2 tsp turmeric
- 3 garlic cloves, finely grated
- 3 cm ginger, finely grated
- 1 big onion, chopped
- 500 ml water
- 7 curry leaves, dry
- salt, pepper to taste
- 300 g Basmati rice
2. Heat a large pan and add the oil.
3. Add ginger and garlic in the hot oil and stir few times. Add Garam masala and stir few times.
4. Add onion and lower the heat to medium. Sotee the onion until it becomes translucent. Add curry leaves and fry them a bit.
5. Add the meat and turmeric. Mix thoroughly.
6. Add water, cover the pan and let it simmer until the meat is almost done.
7. Mix rice and add some more water if needed. Salt and pepper to taste. Let it simmer under the cover, until the rice is soft.