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Pui Asiatic Cu Susan Negru (fast Asian Style Chicken With Black Sesame)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe
Did you have a busy morning? I did. No time for long cooking. One more hour and my son comes from school. Hungry. VERY hungry. I think it's time for a fast stir fry dish.
Ai avut o dimineata incarcata? Eu am avut. Si mai e doar o ora si baiatul meu vine de la scoala. Flamand. Ca un lup. Prin urmare e cazul sa fac un stir fry rapid.

Ingrediente pentru 2 portii
  • 1 piept de pui taiat fasii subtiri
  • 2 cepe verzi, taiate fasii subtiri
  • 1 ardei mediu, taiat fasii subtiri
  • 1/2 dovlecel mediu, taiat fasii subtiri
  • 2 linguri sos soia
  • 1 lingurita amidon de porumb
  • 2 linguri vin alb
  • 2 linguri ulei de porumb
  • 1 lingura susan negru
  • taietei de orez


  1. Pune carnea la marinat in soia, vin, amidon, cat timp tai legumele
  2. Dupa ce ai pregatit toate legumele, pune la fiert o oala cu apa, pentru taietei.
  3. Incalzeste uleiul intr-un wok. Pune carnea (daca wokul  e mic, pune-o in doua transe) si gateste-o in tehnica stir- fry.
  4. Dupa 7- 10 minute, adauga ardeii, apoi ceapa, apoi dovlecelul, la intervale de 2-3 minute, amestecand in fiecare.
  5. Daca apa a fiert, inchide-o si pune in ea taieteii. Lasa 10 minute, dupa care scote-i si scurge-i.
  6. E posibil ca dupa ce ai adaugat toate legumele, carnea sa nu fie facuta. Asta se intampla daca nu a fost taiata destul de subtire. In cazul asta adauga putina apa si mai gateste pana ce carnea e facuta.
  7. Serveste carnea cu sosul format, alaturi de taieteii presarati cu susan negru


English version
Ingredients for 2 servings
* 1 chicken breast cut thin strips
* 2 green onions, sliced thin strips
* 1 medium green pepper, cut thin strips
* 1 / 2 medium zucchini, cut thin strips
* 2 tablespoons soy sauce
* 1 teaspoon cornstarch
* 2 tablespoons white wine
* 2 tablespoons corn oil
* 1 tablespoon black sesame
* Rice noodles

1. Marinate meat in soy sauce, wine, starch, while you cut the vegetables
2. After you have prepared all the vegetables, boil water for noodles.
3. Heat oil in a wok. Put the meat (if your wok is small, put it in two batches) and stir-fry it.
4. After 7-10 minutes, add peppers,onions, and zucchini every 2-3 minutes, stirring after each addition.
5. If the water has boiled, turn off the heat and put the noodles in it . Leave 10 minutes, then remove and drain them.
6. It is possible that after you add all vegetables, meat was not done. This happens if meat has not been cut quite thin. In this case add a little water and cook until meat is done.
7. Serve meat with sauce formed with noodles sprinkled with black sesame

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