Profiterol Cu Crema De Vanilie Si Sos De Ciocolata

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Ador profiterolul, iar reteta lui Gordon Ramsay combinata cu o crema de patiserie pe care am gasit-o intr-o carte cu retete mediteraneene, este perfecta! Sunt mai mult decat incantata de sosul de ciocolata pe care, in sfarsit, l-am descoperit dupa atatea cautari. Este cremos, absolut delicios si merge peste orice desert:)
Ingrediente (50 buc.):
125ml lapte
200ml apa
150g faina
1 lingurita zahar brun
Jumatate lingurita sare
100g unt nesarat
4 oua medii
Crema de patiserie:
6 galbenusuri
125g zahar
30g cornflour
10g faina
550ml lapte
1 pastaie de vanilie
15g unt
Crema de ciocolata:
200g ciocolata neagra 70%
30g unt nesarat
3 linguri miere
125ml lapte
Mod de pregatire:
Incingeti cuptorul la 200 grade. Cerneti faina si sarea intr-un bol.
Intr-o oala, puneti laptele, apa rece, sarea si zaharul la foc mic. Odata ce sarea si zaharul s-au dizolvat, adaugati untul. Cand acesta s-a topit, aduceti continutul la fierbere.
Luati oala de pe foc si adaugati faina, amestecand rapid cu o lingura de lemn. Din moment ce compozitia incepe sa se dezlipeasca de pe marginile oalei, puneti pe o farfurie pana se raceste.
Puneti aluatul inapoi in oala si adaugati ouale treptat, amestecand bine pana devine o pasta fina.
Puneti hartie de copt intr-o tava, apoi pregatiti un posh cu un dui de 1,5 cm diametru. Formati gogosele de circa 2-3 cm diametru, lasati spatiu intre ele pentru ca vor creste in cuptor. Nivelati varfurile formate cu putina apa, apoi lasati la cuptor pentru 15-20 de minute, pana cresc si devin aurii.
Luati rapid de pe foaia de copt pentru a nu se inmuia si lasati sa se raceasca pe un suport.
Faceti crema astfel:
Dati la mixe ouale cu jumatate din cantitatea de zahar, pana devine o crema galbuie si fina. Adaugati cornflour si faina dupa ce le-ati cernut bine.
Intr-o oala, adaugati laptele, restul de zahar si pastaia de vanilie. Aduceti la fierbere apoi adaugati compozitia de oua si amestecati bine. Dati iarasi la fiert, amestecand permanent. Va rezulta o compozitie cu cocoloase la inceput, dar va deveni fina daca amestecati permanent. Fierbeti pentru 2 minute, apoi adaugati untul si lasati sa se raceasca.
Puneti crema intr-un bol si acoperiti cu folie de plastic pentru a nu face pojghita.
Dupa ce gogosile s-au racit complet, umpleti cu crema de patiserie cu ajutorul unui posh si un dui subtire si lunguiet.
Sosul de ciocolata se prepara astfel:
Topiti ciocolata, untul si mierea la bain marie. Adaugati laptele si amestecati bine pana se formeaza un sos cremos. Turnati peste profiterol cat este fierbinte, apoi dati totul la rece.
Choux pastry * 125ml milk * 200ml water * 150g plain flour * 1 tsp golden caster sugar * ½ tsp salt * 100g unsalted butter * 4 medium eggs, lightly beaten
Creme patisserie coming soon
Chocolate sauce * 200g good quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids) * 30g unsalted butter * 3 tbsp clear honey * 125ml full fat milk
Method: How to make profiteroles with hot chocolate sauce
1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C/Gas 6. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Place the milk, cold water, salt, sugar into a pan and set over a low heat. Once the sugar and salt has dissolved add the butter. Once the butter has melted, bring to a rolling boil. Turn off the heat then tip in the flour and beat vigorously with a wooden spoon. As soon as the mixture starts to come away from the side of the pan, stop beating and tip onto a plate to cool.
2. Return the mixture to the pan, then gradually beat in the eggs, a little at a time, mixing well between each addition, until you have a smooth paste. (Alternatively, transfer the mix to an electric mixer and gradually add the eggs while the mixer is running on a low setting).
3. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper. Spoon the choux pastry into a piping bag fitted with a large plain nozzle (about 1.5cm in diameter). Pipe a small blob of the pastry mix under each corner of the greaseproof to keep the paper in place. Now pipe about 20 walnut-sized balls onto the baking sheet, spaced well apart. Level the peaked tops with the tip of a wet finger then bake for 18-20 minutes until well risen and golden brown.
4. Remove from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely before filling.
5. For the Chantilly cream scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod into a large mixing bowl. Add the cream, and icing sugar then whisk together until the consistency of a soft meringue with floppy peaks. Spoon the cream into a clean piping bag, fitted with a small plain nozzle. Pierce the base of a choux bun with the tip of the nozzle and pipe in the cream. Repeat with the remaining choux buns.
6. For the chocolate sauce, break the chocolate into small pieces in a heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water and heat. Add the butter and honey stirring from time to time, until the chocolate begins to melt. Gradually whisk in the milk until you have a smooth sauce and warm through. Serve the cream-filled profiteroles with the hot chocolate sauce drizzled over.