Prajitura Cu Visine (sweet Bread With Sour Cherries)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
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Scroll down for English recipe
Am facut aceasta prajitura cu visine la cererea sotului meu, pentru ca ii aminteste de copilarie. Coca se aseamana putin cu cea de cozonac si este pufoasa si dulceaga. Contrasteaza placut cu visinele putin acrisoare.
- 500 g faina 000
- 25 g drojdie proaspata
- 2 oua
- 250 ml lapte caldut
- 150 g zahar
- un praf mic de sare
- 1 lingura esenta de vanilie
- 300 g visine fara samburi
- zahar pudra vanilat
Mod de preparare:
- Topeste drojdia cu 1 lingura de zahar in 100 ml de lapte caldut
- Amesteca faina cu laptele, ouale si drojdia topita. Spre sfarsit pune sarea, 75 g de zahar si vanilia si framanta pana cand se formeaza o coca fina la atingere, moale si buna pentru a fi intinsa. Daca e prea dura, poti sa mai pui putin lapte.
- Lasa coca 5-10 minute sa creasca. In acest timp incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C si unge o tava cu putin ulei.
- Intinde coca in foaie subtire. Pe una din laturi pune visine si presara zahar
- Ruleaza coca peste visine. Pune inca un rand de visine si presara generos cu zahar.
- Ruleaza din nou si pune visine- zahar pana la sfarsit. Pune prajitura cu visine in tava si presara cu zahar pudra.
- Coace prajitura 25 de minute, la 180 C. Scoate prajitura pe un gratar metalic si acoper-o cu un prosop de bucatarie, pana cand se raceste.
- Prajitura cu visine se serveste presarata cu zahar pudra.
English version:
I baked this sweet bread with sour cherries at the request of my husband, because it remembers his childhood. The dough is fluffy and sweet and makes a great contrast with the sour cherries .
- 500 g AP flour
- 25 g fresh yeast
- 2 eggs
- 250 ml warm milk
- 150 g sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
- 300 g pitted sour cherries
- vanilla powdered sugar
Melt the yeast with 1 tablespoon sugar and 100 ml warm milk
Mix flour with milk, eggs and melted yeast. Add salt, 75 g sugar and vanilla and knead until the dough formed is soft at touch. If it's too hard, you can add put some more milk.
Allow 5-10 minutes to grow. Meanwhile heat oven to 180 C and grease a pan with oil.
Stretch the dough into a thin sheet. Put the cherries along one side and sprinkle sugar
Roll the dough over cherries. Put another row of cherry and sprinkle generously with sugar.
Roll again and put cherry-sugar until the dough finishes. Put the cake in pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Bake 25 minutes at 180 C. Remove the cake on a metal rack and cover awith a kitchen towel until is completely cooled.
Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.