Prajitura Cu Mere ~ Omlós Almás Pite ~ Hungarian Apple Pie

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For english scroll down
* 500 g faina
* 150 g untura
* 1 ou intreg
* 2 linguri smantana
* 100 g zahar
* 1 praf de copt
* 1 zahar vanilat
* putina apa (daca aluatul cere)
* cateva linguri de gris
* scortisoara
** MERE (1,5 - 2 kg, razuite cu tot cu coaja, doar curatate de cotor)
** cateva linguri de zahar de pus pe merele razuite, dupa gust, dupa cat de dulci sint merele
*** zahar pentru presarat deasupra
Mod de preparare:
Faina se freaca cu untura moale (la temperatura camerei), apoi se adauga restul ingredientelor si se framanta un aluat omogen.Nu e nevoie sa stea la rece aluatul.
Merele se dau pe razatoarea cu gauri mari, se presara cu zahar si se lasa sa stea sa-si lase zeama, care apoi se storc de zeama, in mare parte dar nu complet.
Aluatul se imparte in doua parti. Se intinde o foaie in tava, se presara un strat (cateva linguri) de gris, se repartizeaza merele, se presara cu scortisoara.
Se intinde si cealalta foaie, se apasa putin sa se aseze si se inteapa din loc in loc cu furculita.
Inainte de a baga prajitura in cuptor se presara deasupra zahar (nu mult, asa pentru aspect)
Prajitura se tine la cuptorul preincalzit 45-60 min, din care primele 10 min pe foc mare, apoi pe mediu spre mic. Se verifica sa nu se arda deasupra.
PS: acest aluat mama il foloseste ca baza la prajitura cu mere, cu branza dulce, cu mac, cu dovleac.
* 500 g flour
* 150 g lard
* 1 whole egg
* 2 tablespoons sour cream
* 100 g sugar
* 1 sachet baking powder (8-10 g)
* 1 sachet vanilla sugar
* some water (if the dough requires)
** cinnamon (powder)
*** few tablespoons semolina
**** granulated sugar to sprinkle
APPLES (1.5 - 2 kg, un peeled)
Flour is rubbed with lard, then add the rest of the ingredients and knead until you get a smooth dough. No need to put the dough to cool.
Sprinkle the grated apples with sugar and set aside until it drains some juice, then squeeze most of the juice out, but not completely.
Divide the dough two parts. Lay a sheet of dough in a pan, sprinkle a layer (a few tablespoons) of semolina, distribute the apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Lay the other sheet of dough, press gently and pierce here and there with a fork.
Before you put the pie in the oven sprinkle some granulated sugar on top.
Put the pie in the preheated oven for 45-60 minutes, of which the first 10 minutes on high heat, then medium to low. Check not to burn the top.
PS: my mother uses this dough with different fillings: apple, cheese, poppy, pumpkin.