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Paste De Casa Cu Busuioc Si Oregano (basil And Oregano Home Made Pasta)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


Pastele, de orice tip ar fi, se intalnesc foarte des in meniul familiei mele. Adevarul e ca te pot scoate din orice impas. Ai ajuns acasa foarte tarziu si copiii trebuie sa se intoarca flamanzi de la scoala? Fierbi repede niste paste, faci un sos bun de rosii si in 20 de minute e gata masa! In magazine se gasesc paste de toate formele si de la o groaza de firme, dar daca mananci o singura data paste facute in casa, n-o sa mai cumperi niciodata!
Eu am o masina care ma ajuta sa intind foaia subtire, dar acelasi lucru se poate face si cu un sucitor si putina vointa :) Dupa ce ai facut pastele in casa, le poti folosi proaspete sau le poti pune la uscat, ca sa le folosesti mai tarziu. In acest caz le usuci 2-3 zile, puse pe o carpa curata, rasfirate si lasate la aer, neacoperite. Dupa acest timp le poti pastra pana la cateva luni in saculeti de panza sau hartie.
Cum fac eu pastele de casa (de data asta le-am aromat cu busuioc si oregano din gradina)

  • 400 g faina 000
  • 4 oua medii, proaspete
  • optional: busuioc, oregano

Cum se face:

  • Curata frunzele de pe cateva tulpini de oregano si busuioc


  • Amesteca faina cu ouale, framantand usor. Dupa ce s-a format coca, adauga verdeata. Coca rezultata trebuie sa fie nelipicioasa si nu foarte moale. Poti sa mai adaugi faina, pana cand ajunge la  consistenta dorita.


  • Imparte coca in 4 parti. Intinde fiecare bucata de coca, presarata din abundenta cu faina, pana cand ajunge foarte subtire


  • presara fiecare foaie cu faina, pe ambele parti. Ruleaza o foaie


  • Taie ruloul cu ajutorul unui cutit ascutit, la dimensiunile dorite. Eu am facut niste pappardelle (taietei foarte lungi si mai lati)
  • Ia fiecare taietel si desfa-l. Presara bine cu faina si lasa-l la uscat cam 1 ora (daca il folosesti proaspat) sau 2-3 zile daca vrei sa pastrezi pastele pentru mai mult timp.


  • Pastele de casa se fierb in apa fiarta cu sare (1 l de apa si 1/2 lingurita sare la 100 g paste) cam 5-7 minute (trebuie sa fie al dente)

English version

Pasta of any kind is a constant in my family menu. The truth is that it can save you. You had a busy day, got home very late and the children must return from school hungry? Quickly boil some pasta, make a good tomato sauce and in 20 minutes the meal is ready !
In stores there are pastas of all shapes and from a lot of companies, but if you ate once homemade pasta, you will not buy again !
I have a machine that helps me to stretch it in thin sheet, but the same can be done with a rolling pin and some effort :) After you've made pasta at home, you can use it fresh or dry it, to use later. In this case dry it 2-3 days, put on a clean cloth, scattered and left to open air, uncovered. After this time you can keep pasta to several months in paper or fabric bags.

How do I make homemade pasta (this time flavored with basil and oregano from the garden)
  • 400 g flour
  • 4 medium eggs, fresh
  • optional: basil, oregano

How to:
Clean some leaves of oregano and basil
Mix flour with eggs, kneading gently. After dough has formed, add green leaves. The resulting dough should be non-sticky and not very soft. Add some more flour until it reaches desired consistency.
Divide dough into 4 parts. Stretch each piece of dough, sprinkled with plenty of flour, until it is very thin
Sprinkle each piece with flour on both sides. Roll the sheet
Cut roll with a sharp knife to desired size. I did some pappardelle.
Unroll all pasta. Sprinkle well with flour and leave them to dry about 1 hour (if you use fresh) or 2-3 days if you want to keep the pasta for a long time.
Boil pasta in boiling water with salt (1 liter of water and 1 / 2 teaspoon salt to 100 g pasta) about 5-7 minutes (should be al dente)


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