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Pandispan Cu Visine Congelate (frozen Sour Cherry Sponge)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


Reteta asta vine via Bucatar Maniac.  Pandispanul e putin mai altfel, pentru ca are si niste praf de copt, asa ca sa fim siguri ca nu se lasa.
Eu am facut prajitura in tava de la aragaz si a iesit putin cam subtire. O tava 30 cm x 30 cm cred ca ar fi fost mai buna

  • 7 oua, separate
  • 7 linguri faina
  • 7 linguri zahar
  • 3 linguri ulei de floarea soarelui
  • 1 lingurita praf de copt
  • 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
  • visine congelate presarate cu putina faina
  • zahar vanilat, pentru presarat

Cum se face:

  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C (mediu)
  • Pune foaie de copt in tava
  • Bate bine albusurile cu un praf de sare, pana spuma devine tare
  • Amesteca galbenusurile, zaharul, uleiul, esenta de vanilie cu mixerul pana devin o crema deschisa la culoare
  • In galbenusuri pune praful de copt si amesteca
  • Pune galbenusurile in albusuri si amesteca cu o spatula, de jos in sus ca sa nu se lase compozitia
  • Adauga faina cernuta si amesteca in acelasi fel
  • Toarna compozitia in tava si intinde-o uniform
  • Presara 1 lingura de faina peste visine si amesteca



  • Pune visinele in tava, uniform


  • coace 25 minute sau pana ce pandispanul e copt
  • Scoate pe un gratar si presara cu zahar vanilat. Asteapta sa se raceasca (daca poti)

English version
This recipe comes via Maniac Chef. This sponge cake is a little different, because it has some baking powder, so be sure not to flatten.I made this cake in my oven tray and got a little thin. A tray 30 cm x 30 cm  I think it would have been better
* 7 eggs, separated
* 7 tablespoons flour
* 7 tablespoons sugar
* 3 tablespoons sunflower oil(or any oil without flavor)
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 2 teaspoons vanillaextract
* Frozen cherries sprinkled with a little flour
* Vanilla sugar, to sprinkle
How To:
* Preheat oven to 190 C (medium heat)
* Put the baking sheet in tray
* Beat the egg whites well,  with a pinch of salt, until hard peaks are formed
* Mix the egg yolks, sugar, oil, vanilla with electric mixer until creamy
* Mix baking powderin yolks mixture
* Put the yolks into egg whites and fold with a spatula with care not to flatten the composition
* Add sifted flour and mix in the same way
* Pour batter in pan and spread it evenly
* Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour over cherries and stir
* Put the cherries in the pan, evenly
* Bake 25 minutes or until the sponge is cooked
* Remove to a rack and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Wait until is cooled (if you can)

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