Pandispan Cu Mascarpone, Crema De Ciocolata Si Zmeura - Pentru Prietenii De Pe Facebook (angel Food Cake With Chocolate- Strawberry Cream And Mascarpone Frosting - For My 700 Facebook Fans)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
Am inceput sa scriu acest blog de mai bine de doi ani. Dar nu i-am facut pagina personala decat acum 6 luni. Ma gandeam ca n-are rost, aceasta nefiind o afacere, ci un hobby. Dar, nu mare mi-a fost uimirea sa constat ca in acest scurt timp am acumulat mai bine de 700 de prieteni. Am vrut sa le multumesc pentru ca au ales sa-mi urmareasca postarile. Si cum sa fac asta mai bine decat printr-un tort?
Prin urmare, acesta este cadoul meu virtual pentru toti cei care urmaresc pe facebook pagina "Cooking with my soul". Va imbratisez cu drag.
Ingrediente (pentru o tava de 26 cm)
- 7 oua, separate
- 150 g faina, cernuta
- 150 g zahar tos
- 1 lingurita zeama de lamaie
- 100 g zahar
- 100 ml apa
- 100 ml suc de zmeura
- 400 g smantana grasa
- 90 g ciocolata minim 55% cacao
- 200 g zmeura (proaspata sau inghetata)
- 400 g mascarpone
- 200 g zahar pudra
- colorant roz
- bombonele colorate
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C. Pe fundul unei forme rotunde, detasabila, de 26 cm pune foaie de copt. Unge peretii formei cu putin unt.
- Bate albusurile bine, pana ce devin tari. Adauga zaharul si lamaia si bate bine din nou pana ce zaharul s-a topit si albusul e tare si are o textura cremoasa. Mie mi-au trebuit cam 7 minute, la viteza turbo.
- Adauga toate galbenusurile si cu mixerul pe pulse incorporeaza-le rapid. Nu amesteca prea mult.
- Pune toata faina peste oua si, cu o spatula incorporeaz-o amestecand de jos in sus (nu circular), ca sa nu se piarda prea mult din volum.
- Toarna compozitia in forma si niveleaz-o. Coace blatul 25 de minute, sau pana ce trece testul scobitorii.
- Inchide caldura in cuptor si lasa blatul sa se raceasca in cuptorul lasat cu usa intredeschisa. (asta ca sa nu se lase blatul dupa racire)
- Cand s-a mai racorit, scoata blatul pe un gratar, indeparteaza folia de copt si lasa-l sa se raceasca bine. Cand s-a racit complet, taie-l in doua si insiropeaza-l.
- Pentru sirop: fierbe pe foc mic apa si zaharul pana ce acesta se topeste (cam 2 minute). Lasa la racit. Amesteca inauntru sucul de zmeura
- Intre cele doua blaturi se pune crema. Incalzeste smantana la foc mic, fara sa o fierbi. Pune in ea ciocolata, las-o 2 minute. apoi incorporeaz-o bine. Mixeaza crema cateva minute, ca sa fie mai pufoasa. Adauga zmeura si amesteca usor. Lasa la racit.
- Crema cu mascarpne pentru ornat se face foarte simplu: amesteca putin mascarpone cu zaharul pudra, pana ce acesta se topeste. Adauga un varf de colorant roz si incorporeaza bine.
- Pune unul din blaturile insiropate pe un platou, pe el intinde crema si acoper-o cu celalalt blat.
- Orneaza marginile tortului cu 1/3 din crema. Pe restul foloseste-o sa faci flori pe tort (pentru asta se foloseste varful 1M). Se presara bomboane. Sau ornezi dupa cum iti place. :)
English version
My blog is more than 2 years old now. But I thought to make it's fan page only 6 months ago. My idea was that a fan page is for business, not for hobby. But I was so wrong! Yesterday I had a great surprise to see that in this short time the page have accumulated more than 700 friends. I wanted to thank you for having chosen to follow my posts. And how to do this better than with a cake?Therefore, this is my virtual gift to all who follow the facebook page "Cooking With My Soul." Hugs and kisses.
Ingredients (for a 26 cm circular tray)
7 eggs, separated
150 g flour, sifted
150 g granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
100 g sugar
100 ml water
100 ml raspberry juice
400 g heavy cream
90 g chocolate 55% cocoa
200 g raspberries (fresh or frozen)
To garnish
400 g mascarpone
200 g powdered sugar
pink food color
colored sprinkles
Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line with paper the bottom of a 26 cm round tray. Butter the walls of the tray.
Beat egg whites well. Add sugar and lemon juice and beat well again until sugar is melted and hard peaks are formed. It took me about 7 minutes at turbo speed.
Add all the egg yolks and pulse mixer to incorporate them quickly. Do not mix too much.
Put all the flour over eggs and with a spatula stir in a up- down motion (not circular), not to lose too much volume.
Pour the composition in the tray and level it. Bake about 25 minutes.
Turn off the oven and leave the cake to cool inside, with the oven door slightly open.
When it's cooler, put the cake on a metallic rack, remove the paper and let it cool well. When completely cool, cut it in two layers.
For syrup: Boil water and sugar over low heat until the sugar melts (about 2 minutes). Allow to cool. Mix in the raspberry juice.
For cream: Heat the heavy cream over low heat without boiling it. Add chocolate, leave it 2 minutes. then incorporate it well. Mix the cream a few minutes, to be more fluffy. Add berries and mix gently. Allow to cool.
To make mascarpone cream for frosting is very simple: Mix the mascarpone with powdered sugar until it melts. Add a pinch of pink color and incorporate well.
Put one of the layers on a plate and brush it with 1/2 of the syrup. Spread the cream over it and cover it with the second layer brushed with the rest of the syrup.
Decorate the edges of cake with 1 / 3 of mascarpone cream. Use the rest to make flowers on the cake (I used the 1M tip). Sprinkle colored candies.