Paine Alba Neagra

articol scris de amainbucatarie.blogs blog
Aceasta paine se joaca cuperceptia noastra si suntem nesiguri daca este paine sau cozonac. Este o paine interesanta, de efect si totusi simplu de facut.
Mod preparare:
Intr-un bol dizolvati drojdia in apa si cu o lingura de zahar. Adaugati treptat 350 g de faina alba, sare si restul de zahar. dupa ce ati amestecat bine, adaugati laptele si untul. Amestecati in continuare.
Impartiti aluatul obtinut in doua: intr-unul adaugati 275 g de faina alba si framantati aluatul. Puneti-l deoparte la crescut. In al doilea amestecati melasa si faina integrala. Puneti-l si pe caesta la crescut.
Dupa ce a crescut timp de aproximativ o ora, impartiti fiecare luat in doua (pentru doua paini). Intindeti aluatul alb pe o suprafata presarata cu faina. Puneti deoparte.
Intindeti aluatul negru pe o dimensiune putin mai mica. Puneti-l peste cel alb si apoi rulati.
Asezati painile in tavi unse in prelabil si lasati sa creasca apoi coaceti.
2 dry yeast packages
120 ml cup warm water
55 g sugar
675 g strong white bread flour
1 1/2 tbl salt
600 ml warm milk
65 g margarine
45 ml molasses
275 g wholemeal bread flour
In a small bowl dissolve the yeast in warm water with 1 tbl sgar. Sift 350 g of white flour, the salt and the remaining sugar. Then add the milk and butter.
Divide the batter into two bowls.
To one bowl add 275 g of white flour and mix until you get a soft dough. Set aside and let it rise.
To the other add the molasses and the wholemeal flour. Set this dough aside as well, and let them both rise for about one hour.
Divide each ball in half. Roll out half of the white dough in a rectangle. Roll out the black one to a slightly smaller size. Roll up tightly from a short side.
Repeat the same procedure for the rest of the dough and make the other loaf.
Let them rest in a pan and then bake.
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