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Muschi De Vita In Sos Italian (beef In Italian Sauce)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe

Muschi de vita fraged, fiert incetisor in sos aromat cu verdeturi italienesti. O mancare de iarna.
Ingrediente pentru 3 persoane

  • 600 g muschi de vita, taiat cubulete
  • 1 ceapa mare
  • 1 morcov mediu
  • 1 bucatica de telina
  • cativa catei de usturoi
  • 200 ml vin alb (sau supa de carne)
  • 200 ml apa
  • 2 linguri pasta de tomate
  • cate 1 lingurita: oregano si maghiran uscat
  • piper verde macinat si sare dupa gust
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline

Cum se face:

  • Taie marunt ceapa si usturoiul
  • Rade pe razatoarea mica morcovul si telina
  • Incalzeste uleiul intr-o cratita. Pune carnea (uscata cu prosoape absorbante) si prajeste-o la foc mare, pana ce devine aurie pe toate partile


  • adauga ceapa si usturoiul si lasa sa se caleasca 3-4 minute
  • adauga morcovul si telina. Amesteca bine. Lasa 2-3 minute la foc mare.


  • pune oregano si maghiran. Amesteca bine
  • Pune vinul si apa. Adauga 1/2 lingurita de sare si un praf de piper verde. Lasa la foc mare pana ce da un clocot, apoi da focul foarte mic.


  • fierbe la foc mic 1 ora. Pune pasta de tomate si amesteca. Daca sosul a scazut foarte tere, poti adauga putina apa.
  • Lasa la fiert pana ce carnea e fiarta.
  • Potriveste de sare si piper

  • Serveste cu garnitura de cartofi natur.

English version
Tender beef, cooked slowly in sauce flavored with Italian herbs. W inter food. Comfort food

Ingredients for 3 people
* 600 g beef, cut into cubes
* 1 large onion
* 1 medium carrot
* 1 piece of celery
* a few cloves of garlic
* 200 ml white wine (or broth)
* 200 ml water
* 2 tablespoons tomato paste
* 1 teaspoon each: dried oregano and marjoram
* salt and ground green pepper to taste
* 4 tablespoons olive oil
How To:
* Chop onion and garlic
* Grate
carrot and celery on the small grater
* Heat oil in a skillet. Put the meat (dried with absorbent towels) in skillet and fry it on high heat until it becomes golden on all sides
* Add onions and garlic and let fry 3-4 minutes
* Add carrots and celery. Mix well over high heat 2-3 minutes.
*Put oregano and marjoram. Mix well
* Put the wine and water. Add 1 / 2 teaspoon salt and a pinch of pepper. Leave on high heat until it gives a boil, then simmer .
* Simmer for 1 hour. Put the tomato paste and stir. If the sauce has thickened , add a little water.
* Allow to boil until the meat is cooked.
* Add salt and pepper to taste
* Serve with boiled potatoes.

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