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Mozzarella Facuta In Casa (homemade Mozzarella)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe


Ce simplu a fost! Tot ce ai nevoie este lapte proaspat (nepasteurizat) si putin cheag. Si gata mozzarella.
Eu am facut branza din 4 l de lapte si 3 linguri de cheag. Cheagul l-am cumparat sub forma de praf, de la o farmacie veterinara. L-am dizolvat in 300 ml de apa.

  1. Laptele se incalzeste la 37- 38 grade C, nu mai mult. Daca e abia muls, nu se mai incalzeste.
  2. Se pune cheagul si se amesteca bine.
  3. Se lasa 1-2 ore, pana se incheaga bine.
  4. Se amesteca cu un tel in forma de para si se mai lasa 1 ora.
  5. Se pun 2 randuri de tifon peste o  strecuratoare. Strecuratoarea se pune peste o oala mare. Se toarna laptele inchegat.
  6. Se lasa sa se strecoare bine, peste noapte.
  7. A doua zi se incalzeste apa pana la 80- 90 grade C (aproape de fierbere)
  8. Se pune branza intr-un castron si se toarna apa fierbinte peste. Se lasa cateva minute, pana ce branza incepe sa se intinda.
  9. Cu mainile bine spalate si cu mare atentie pentru ca e foarte fierbinte, se scoate branza cu o lingura de lemn si se framanta in maini. Cam asa :




10.  Daca branza isi pierde din elasticitate, se mai scufunda in apa. E bine sa ai la indemana apa fierbinte, ca s-o inlocuiesti pe cea care s-a racit.
11.  Framanta cam 15- 20 minute. Branza trebuie sa devina elastica si matasoasa.

Si acum proba: mozzarella mea pusa pe o bucata de paine si tinuta cateva minute la cuptor:

Si o pizza cu margine umpluta cu mozzarella


English version

It was so easy! All you need is fresh milk (unpasteurized) and a bit of clot. And here it is: my homemade mozzarella.
I used 4 liters of milk and 3 tablespoons of liquid clot.
1. Heat milk to 37-38 degrees C, not more.
2. Add clot and mix well.
3. Allow 1-2 hours, until curdled well.
4. Mix with a fork and leave one more hour.
5. Place 2 layers of gauze over a strainer. Place the strainer over a large pot. Pour the milk.
6. Let it strain over night.
7. The next day heat some water up to 80-90 degrees C (almost boiling)
8. Place the cheese in a bowl and pour hot water over. Allow a few minutes, until cheese begins to melt.
9. Wash your hands and carefully, because it is very hot, remove the cheese with a wooden spoon and knead in your hands. (like in my pictures) 10. If cheese loses its elasticity, immerse it in hot water again. It's good to have hot water at hand, to replace the one that has cooled.
11. Knead about 15 to 20 minutes. Cheese must become elastic and silky.
And now the test: I put mozzarella cheese on a piece of bread and held a few minutes in the oven. And a pizza with the edges stuffed with mozzarella. (see pictures)

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