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Meniu De Vara: Supa De Rosii Proaspete Cu Oregano Si Salata De Vinete Cu Maioneza (summer Menu: Fresh Tomatoes Soup With Oregano And Roasted Eggplant Salad With Mayonnaise)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe


Leaving for summer in a country village has good and bad parts. Worst thing is that my mobile internet moves slower than a snail. To load a page I sometimes wait 15 minutes. So I am behind with websites and blogs that I usually follow. Barely managed to post some recipes, when I am patiently enough to load my pictures.The good part is that I cook what I harvest in the morning from the garden. Everything is fresh and smells heavenly. This happened today too. In fact, I decided to cook today only what I find in the backyard and garden. I couldn't 100%, as oil and flour were purchased. However, I think I achieved a great goal:)
Statul la tara are si bune si rele. Cel mai nasol e ca am internetul mobil si merge mai greu decat o caruta trasa de boi. Ca sa se incarce o pagina astept cateodata si 15 minute.  Asa ca am ramas in urma cu site-urile si blogurile pe care le urmaream. Abia daca reusesc sa postez cate o reteta, cand am rabdare sa stau sa mi se incarce pozele.
Partea buna e ca de multe ori mancarea pe care o pregatesc e culeasa de dimineata cu mainile mele din gradina. Asa s-a intamplat si de data asta. De fapt, am hotarat ca pentru masa de azi sa folosesc doar ce gasesc prin curte si gradina. N-am reusit 100%, pentru ca uleiul si faina au fost cumparate. Totusi, cred ca in mare mi-am atins telul :)

eggplant cherry tomatoes

Meniul pe care l-am pregatit este pentru noi simbolul verii adevarate. Supa din rosii dulci, crapate de coapte ce sunt  cu salata de vinete tinere, coapte direct pe flacara. Am manca asa ceva zilnic si tot nu ne-am satura. Anul acesta am in gradina si cateva fire de rosii cherry, care s-au dovedit a fi o garnitura excelenta la vinete.
De obicei supa de rosii o fac cu orez. De data asta, am facut taietei de casa cu oua de la gainile din curte.
Pentru a face suc de rosii eu am o masina speciala (arata in mare ca o masina de tocat) care separa pulpa si sucul de coaja si seminte. Daca nu ai asa ceva, poti folosi o sita mai deasa. Rosiile fierte le strecori prin sita si cu o lingura freci bine rosiile pana ce toata pulpa a trecut prin sita. Cojile si semintele le arunci.
La maioneza folosesc ulei fara gust puternic (de floarea soarelui de exemplu, nu de masline) ca sa nu afecteze aroma de vinete coapte.
Pentru supa de rosii (pentru 10 portii)

  • 2,5 kg rosii foarte bine coapte (mai moi, pot si chiar storcosite)
  • 6 l apa
  • 3 morcovi curatati, lasati intregi
  • 2 cepe curatate, intregi
  • 1 telina mica curatata, intreaga (sau frunze de telina)
  • 1 radacina patrunjel curatata, intreaga
  • 150 g taietei de casa (sau orez)
  • frunze de oregano (optional)
  • sare dupa gust
  • 3 linguri ulei de masline (optional)
  1. Daca ai facut sucul de rosii in avans, pune-l la fiert impreuna cu apa si legumele pana ce acestea sunt fierte bine.
  2. Scoate legumele, adauga taieteii, oregano si uleiul pana ce taieteii sunt fierti. potriveste de sare.
  3. Daca folosesti rosiile intregi, pune-le la fiert cu legumele in apa, la foc mic, acoperind oala cu capac, pana ce toate sunt fierte bine. Scoate legumele. Trece rosiile printr-o sita deasa.
  4. Pune la fiert supa din nou, adauga taieteii, oregano si uleiul. Cand taieteii sunt fierti, potriveste de sare.
  5. Supa se poate servi rece sau calda.

Pentru salata de vinete

  • 2 kg vinete, coapte direct pe flacara
  • 2 cepe tocate marunt
  • 6 linguri de maioneza facuta in casa
  • sare dupa gust.
  1. Curata  vinetele cand sunt calde, ca sa ramana albe.
  2. Toaca-le mic.
  3. Amesteca vinetele cu ceapa si maioneza. Potriveste de sare.
  4. Pune la frigider cateva ore inainte de a o manca.


tomatoes soup                    roasted eggplant salad with mayonnaise
English version
Menu I prepared is for us a true symbol of summer. Fresh tomato soup and young roasted eggplant salad. We can eat these every day and still don't have enough. This year we have some cherry tomatoes in the garden, which proved to be an excellent garnish to the eggplant salad. Usually I make tomato soup with rice. This time I made homemade pasta with eggs from chickens in the backyard.

To make the tomato sauce I have a special machine (looks as a meat grinder) that separates the pulp and juice from seeds and peel. If you don't have it, pass boiled tomatoes through a sieve.

For tomato soup (for 10 servings)
* 2.5 kg very ripe tomatoes
* 6 l water
* 3 carrots peeled, left whole
* 2 onions peeled, whole
* 1 small celery cleaned, whole (or celery leaves)
* A cleaned parsley root, whole
* 150 g homemade tagliatelle  (or rice)
* Oregano leaves (optional)
* Salt to taste
* 3 tablespoons olive oil (optional)
1. If you did tomato juice in advance, put it together with water and vegetables and boil them until are well cooked.
2. Remove vegetables, add pasta, oregano, oil and boil until
tagliatelle are cooked . Add salt to taste.
3. If using whole tomatoes, boil them with vegetables in water. Cover the pot with lid, until all are cooked well. Remove vegetables. Pass tomatoes through a fine sieve.
4. Put the soup to boil again, add
tagliatelle, oregano and oil. When tagliatelle are boiled add salt.
5. Soup can be served cold or hot.

For Roasted Eggplant Salad
* 2 kg eggplants, roasted directly on the flame
* 2 onions chopped finely
* 6 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise
* Salt to taste.
1. Remove eggplants' peel when are warm, to remain white.
2. Chop them small.
3. Mix eggplant with onions and mayonnaise. Add salt to taste.
4. Put in refrigerator a few hours before eating.

Eat soup with salad and fresh homemade bread.

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