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Lasagna Reteta Originala (lasagne - The Original Recipe)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe


Sunt multe retete de lasagne: cu carne, cu legume, cu branzeturi. Aceasta este reteta originala,cu sos bolognese si sos bechamel.
Am facut-o pentru cina cu Electrolux, unde am fost 12 persoane. Prin urmare, in fotografii (pentru care le multumesc Roxanei si lui Beatrice) cantitatile sunt mai mari decat in reteta pe care v-o propun.
Ingrediente pentru 6 persoane:

  • 400 g foi de lasagne
  • 300 g mozzarella, rupta in bucati mici
  • 150 g parmezan, ras

Sos bolognese

  • 600 g carne de vita, tocata
  • 200 g pancetta
  • 1 morcov mic
  • 1 ceapa medie
  • 1/2 de telina medie (sau o tulpina de telina italieneasca)
  • 50 g unt
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline extra vergine
  • 200 ml vin rosu
  • 400 ml suc de rosii (passata)
  • busuioc, oregano proaspat
  • sare, piper dupa gust

Sos bechamel

  • 50 g unt
  • 50 g faina
  • 500 ml lapte
  • 1 lingurita nucsoara, praf

Mod de preparare:

  • Daca folosesti foi de lasagne de buna calitate, ele se pot pune nefierte. Altfel, pune foile de lasagne in apa fiarta sarata si fierbe-le pe jumatate. Scurge apa, lasa-le sa se racoreasca putin si separa-le. Nu astepta sa se racesca definitiv pentru ca nu le  mai poti separa.
  • Sosul bolognese : toaca sau da pe razatoarea mare legumele


  • Incalzeste untul si uleiul intr-o tigaie mare


  • Pune legumele in tigaie si calesete-le la foc mediu, pana se inmoaie


  • Toaca (sau taie marunt) pancetta si pune-o in tigaie. Amesteca bine.



  • Lasa pana ce pancetta se aureste putin. Adauga carnea si prajeste-o usor, cam 10minute


  • Pune vinul si lasa carnea sa fiarba la foc mic, pana cand acesta e absorbit (cam 15 minute)


  • Adauga passata si amesteca bine


  • Pune un capac si lasa sosul sa fiarba 45 - 60 de minute. Daca  scade foarte mult, poti adauga putina apa sau supa clara.


  • Toaca cate 1/2 legatura de busuioc si oregano. amesteca-le in sos. Potriveste sosul de sare si piper.


  • Sosul Bechamel: Intr-o tigaie topeste untul.  Adauga faina si amesteca pana cand tot untul e incorporat. Pune cate putin lapte rece si amesteca pana ce este incorporat. Continua pana cand tot laptele este folosit. Pune nucsoara si amesteca bine


  • Intr-o tava mai inalta toarna cateva linguri de ulei si 2 linguri de sos bechamel. Pune un rand de paste


  • Toarna 1/3 din sosul bolognese,  pune 1/2 din mozzarella si 1/3 din sosul bechamel. Pune inca un strat de lasagne si cate 1/3 din sos bolognese, sos bechamel si restul de mozzarella. Ultimul start de lasagne si restul de sosuri, cu sosul bolognese deasupra. Presara parmezan pe toata suprafata


  • Coace  la 180 C pentru 30 de minute


  • Serveste lasagnele calde si apoi priveste cu satisfactie cum  ceilalti o mananca  :)

English version:

There are many lasagne recipes: with meat, with vegetables, with different types of cheese. But the one that I adore is the original, with Ragu alla Bolognese sauce and Bechamel sauce.
The photos were taken from a 12 persons dinner, so don't worry if what you have in your pot doesn't match with the quantities you see in photo :)

Ingredients for 6 persons:
400g lasagne sheets
300g mozzarella, cut in small pieces
150 g Parmigiano Reggiano, grated
Ragu alla bolognese sauce:
  • 600 g beef, minced
  • 200 g pancetta
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 / 2 medium celery (or one celery stalk)
  • 50 g butter
  • 4 tablespoons Extra Vergine olive oil
  • 200 ml red wine
  • 400 ml tomato juice (passata)
  • fresh basil, fresh oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
Bechamel sauce
  • 50 g butter
  • 50 g flour
  • 500 ml milk
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg powder
How to prepare:
If using lasagna sheets of good quality, they can put uncooked. Otherwise, put the lasagne sheets in boiling salted water and cook them halfway. Drain water, let them cool a little and separate them. Do not wait to finally cool because you can not separate them anymore.
Bolognese sauce:
  • Mince or finely grate the vegetables
  • Heat butter and oil in a large skillet. Put vegetables in it and soften them over medium heat (for about 10 minutes)
  • Mince (or finely cut) pancetta and put it in the pan. Mix well. Leave until the pancetta becomes golden. Add meat and fry it slightly, for about 10min
  • Put the wine and allow meat to simmer over low heat until it is absorbed (about 15 minutes)
  • Add passata and mix well. Put a lid and let the sauce simmer 45-60 minutes. If the sauce becomes very thick, you can add a little water or broth.
  • Chop basil and oregano leaves. Mix them in sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Bechamel sauce: Melt the butter in a pan. Add flour and mix until all butter is incorporated. Put a little cold milk and stir until it is incorporated. Continue until all milk is used. Put nutmeg and mix well

In a pan pour a few tablespoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of bechamel sauce. Line pasta sheets on the bottom of the pan.

Pour 1/3 of sauce bolognese , put 1 / 2 of mozzarella and 1/3 bechamel sauce. Put another layer of lasagne and 1 / 3 of bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce and remaining mozzarella. Last layer of lasagne and remaining sauces. Sprinkle parmigiano all over
Bake at 180 C for 30 minutes
Serve them hot and then look with satisfaction as the other ones eat them :)

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