Inghetata De Zmeura Cu Lapte Condensat (ice Cream With Raspberries And Condensed Milk)

articol scris de Brindusa blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
Aceasta este o inghetata cremoasa, chiar daca e facuta fara oua, datorita laptelui condensat. Am gasit in piata niste zmeura asa frumoasa si aromata, ca am mancat-o aproape jumatate pana sa ajunga in inghetata :)
- 1 cutie lapte condensat (in jur de 300 ml)
- 300 ml frisca neindulcita
- 300 g zmeura
Mod de preparare:
- Pune 200 g de zmeura intr-un blender si paseaz-o bine. Trece sosul format printr-o strecuratoare fina, ca sa elimini semintele. Sucul de zmeura astfel obtinut amesteca-l cu lapte condensat.
- Adauga frisca si amestec-o usor, ca sa nu se lase. Pune totul intr-o cutie cu capac. Nu mai pune zahar in frisca, pentru ca laptele condensat este foarte dulce.
- Pune cutia in congelatorul dat la maxim pentru 3-4 ore, sa se inghete putin. Scoate cutia din congelator si amesteca in ea 100 g de zmeura intreaga (cu grija, ca sa nu sfarami zmeura).
- Pune inghetata la loc in congelator, pana a doua zi.
English version
This is a creamy ice cream, even if made without eggs, because condensed milk.
I found some raspberries in the market, so beautiful and fragrant, that ate up nearly half before using them in this ice cream.
I found some raspberries in the market, so beautiful and fragrant, that ate up nearly half before using them in this ice cream.
- 1 can condensed milk (about 300 ml)
- 300 ml unsweetened whipped cream
- 300 g raspberries
Put 200 g of raspberries in a blender and mix them well. Pass sauce through a fine strainer to remove seeds. Mix the sauce with the condensed milk.
Fold in the whipped cream. Put everything in a box with a lid. Don't add sugar in the whipped cream, because condensed milk is very sweet.
Put the box in the freezer for 3-4 hours, to freeze a little. Remove the box from the freezer and mix in the rest of 100 g of raspberries.
Put ice cream back in freezer until the next day.
Put 200 g of raspberries in a blender and mix them well. Pass sauce through a fine strainer to remove seeds. Mix the sauce with the condensed milk.
Fold in the whipped cream. Put everything in a box with a lid. Don't add sugar in the whipped cream, because condensed milk is very sweet.
Put the box in the freezer for 3-4 hours, to freeze a little. Remove the box from the freezer and mix in the rest of 100 g of raspberries.
Put ice cream back in freezer until the next day.