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Inghetata De Mango (mango Ice Cream)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

Scroll down for English recipe

In cautarea unor noi arome pentru inghetata, am ajuns si la mango. Fructul proaspat mie imi place foarte mult. Inghetata nu a iesit extrem de aromata, dar consistenta este extraordinara: fina si cremoasa. Reteta este una indiana, pentru ca la ei mango e un fruct foarte des folosit. Eu am folosit smantana varsata, pe care nu am batut-o pentru ca e foarte "batoasa" cand o cumpar. Cred ca se poate folosi si smanatana dulce de la cutie, care se bate ca sa se intareasca. Eu am facut inghetata in congelator, dar la fel de bine se poate face cu masina de inghetata.


  • 500 g frisca (sau smantana dulce, tare)
  • pulpa de la 2 fructe de mango
  • 200 ml lapte condensat
  • sucul de la 1/2 lamaie

Amesteca pulpa de mango cu un blender vertical sau cu un robot, ca sa se faca ca un piure. Amesteca piureul de mango cu laptele condensat si lamaia. Adauga frisca. Pune amestecul intr-o cutie cu capac, in congelatorul dat la maxim. Dupa 2 ore de stat in congelator, amesteca inghetata cu o lingura si pune-o la loc, pana se congeleaza bine.
English version
In search of new flavors for ice cream, I reached to mangoes. I like very much fresh fruits. Ice cream came not very aromatic, but its consistency was great: smooth and creamy. As I read, this is an Indian recipe, because mango is a fruit often used in India. I made this ice cream in the freezer, but as well can be made with ice cream machine.Ingredients
* 2 cups (500 g) heavy cream
* pulp from 2 mango
* 3/4 cup (200 ml) condensed milk
* juice of half lemon
Puree mango pulp using a blender. Mix it with condensed milk and lemon. Add whipped cream. Put mixture in a box with a lid in the freezer open at maximum. After 2 hours in the freezer, mix the  ice cream with a spoon and put it back up to freeze well.

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