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Homemade Pasta/ Paste De Casa

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

This is it, I just love this pasta, I'm never going to buy already made pasta, but of lack of time, but even then, I will make time! Why? Because homemade pasta are more delicious than anything else. They are so light, easy to make if you have patience and steel nerves to clean afterwards, tasty, healthy, what else do you need? Just go to work:) by the way, This recipe belongs to Jamie Oliver.
Gata, iubesc aceste paste, nu mai cumpar niciodata, decat in lipsa de timp, dar chiar si atunci, imi voi face timp! De ce? Pentru ca pastele homemade sunt mai delicioase decat orice altceva. Sunt atat de light, usor de facut daca aveti rabdare si nervi de otel sa curatati bucataria dupa, gustoase, sanatoase, ce mai vreti? Porniti la lucru:) Apropo, reteta o am de pe site-ul lui Jamie Oliver:)
300g flour 00
3 eggs
Olive oil
300g faina tip 00
3 oua
Ulei masline
Directions/Mod de pregatire:
Place the flour in a bowl. Make a cavity in the middle of it and brake the eggs there. Salt a bit and drizzle some olive oil. Beat the eggs with a fork until they become homogeneous. With the tip of your fingers, mix the eggs with the flour little by little until they become well blended.
Puneti faina intr-un bol. Faceti o groapa in mijlocul ei si spargeti ouale acolo. Presarati sare si putin ulei de masline. Bateti ouale cu furculita pana devin omogene. Cu varful degetelor amestecati ouale cu faina, incorporand putin cate putin, pana totul este amestecat bine.

Knead the dough very well with your hands, for 10 minutes until it becomes soft, not sticky, shiny. Wrap it in a plastic foil and leave it in the fridge for at least half an hour.
 Framantati coca foarte bine cu mainile, eu am stat cam 10 minute pana mi-a iesit o coca nelipicioasa, fina, lucioasa. Infasurati-o in folie de plastic si dati la frigider pentru cel putin jumatate de ora.

If you don't have a pasta machine, stretch the dough in a very thin sheet with rolling pin until it is equal in thickness. You need a big working surface or just cut the dough in small shapes.
If you have a pasta machine, make sure it is well stuck on the clean working surface greased with 00 flour. Cut the dough in 4 pieces. Take the first one, dust it with some flour and then shake it well. Press it with the fingers to flatten it. Set the machine on the wider position then roll the dough. If it is sticky, dust it with some flour.
Daca nu aveti masina de paste, intindeti-o foarte subtire cu facaletul pana devine egala ca grosime. Aveti nevoie de o suprafata mare de lucru, sau taiati coca in mai multe bucati.
Daca aveti masina de facut paste, asigurati-va ca este prinsa foarte bine de suprafata de lucru curata si unsa cu faina 00. Impartiti coca in 4 bucati. Luati prima bucata si presarati faina peste ea, apoi scuturati-o bine. Presati-o cu degetele pana devine plata. Setati masina pe cea mai larga pozitie, rulati coca. Daca este lipicioasa mai presarati faina deasupra.

Set the machine on the next small position and roll the dough again. Fold the dough in two, set the machine on the wider position then roll. Repeat this process for 5-6 times. Even if you don't see any improvement, you are actually working the dough to become more fine and shiny.
Setati masina pe urmatoarea pozitie mai mica si rulati coca din nou. Impaturiti coca in doua, setati masina iar la pozitia cea mai larga si rulati din nou. Repetati acest proces de 5-6 ori. Chiar daca nu vedeti nici-o deosebire, de fapt lucrati coca si va deveni mai lucioasa, mai fina.

After this process, dust flour on the both faces of the dough and roll it on all the machine settings, starting with the widest till the smallest. When you reached the smallest position, fold the dough in two, then again in two, then again in two until you have a square shape. Turn 90 degrees and roll in the machine starting with the widest till the smallest. The dough should be very thin and square. Don't forget to dust with flour once in a while.
Dupa acest procedeu urmeaza in sfarsit, sa faceti pastele. Presarati faina pe ambele fete ale aluatului si dati prin toate setarile masinii, pornind de la cea mai mare pana la cea mai mica. Dupa ce ati ajuns la pozitia cea mai mica, impaturiti coca in jumatate, apoi iar in jumatate, inca o data in jumatate pana aveti o coca patrata. Intoarceti la 90 de grade si dati prin masina pornind de la cea mai mare setare pana ajungeti iar la cea mai mica. Va trebui sa aveti o coca foarte subtire si patrata. Nu uitati sa presarati faina din cand in cand pe coca.

If you are making tagliatelle, lasagna or stracchi roll the dough until it reaches the thickness between a coaster and a playing card. Now depends on everyone tastes. I like pasta very thin. If you want to make ravioli, tortellini roll it thin.
Daca faceti tagliatelle, lasagna sau stracchi rulati coca pana la grosimea dintre un coaster si o carte de joc. Acum depinde si de gusturi, mie imi plac pastele subtiri, de aceea le-am facut la cea mai mica setare.
Daca faceti ravioli, tortellini, rulati cat mai subtire.

You now have to cut the dough immediately. Pasta is drying very fast so don't leave it uncut for more than a minute. You can place them on a damp kitchen towel to stop them drying. Cut the dough with the machine under the desired shape, if you don't have a machine just use a very well sharp knife.
Dupa ce aveti coca asa cum o doriti, va trebui sa o taiati imediat. Pastele se usuca foarte repede deci nu lasati mai mult de un minut netaiate. Le puteti pune pe un prosop de bucatarie umed pentru a le opri din uscare.
Taiati coca la masina sub forma pe care o doriti sau, daca nu aveti masina, taiati cu o forma speciala sau cu un cutit bine ascutit.

Don't forget to clean the kitchen, after playing with pasta it will look like this:
Nu uitati sa curatati bine bucataria dupa ce v-ati jucat de-a pastele, va arata ceva in felul urmator:

Pasta boils like this:
Pour plenty of water in a pot, salt and drizzle some olive oil. Leave to boil than put the pasta and mix once in a while so they won't stick. Don't leave them too long. For tagliatelle 5 minutes are enough, taste and drain. More details on boiling minutes for each type of pasta you can find here.
If you are not using all the pasta, you can deposit them. Leave them to dry for an hour dusted with flour. Make nests and put them in sealed bags. Refrigerate. In the fridge they last 3 days, in the freezer 3 months.
Pastele se fierb astfel:
Puneti apa din abundenta intr-o oala, sarati si puneti putin ulei de masline. Lasati sa clocoteasca, apoi puneti pastele si amestecati din cand in cand pentru a nu se lipi. Nu lasati foarte mult. La tagliatelle am lasat 5 minute, dar gustati si scurgeti bine inainte. Mai multe detalii despre cate minute lasati la fiert pe fiecare tip de paste, gasiti aici.
Daca nu folositi toate pastele, le puteti depozita astfel: lasati-le la uscat o ora, presarati faina printre ele pentru a nu se lipi. Faceti cuiburi si puneti in pungi sigilate. Dati la frigider sau congelator. La frigider rezista pana la 3 zile, la congelator pana la 3 luni.