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Gugelhupf (guguluf) Fara Lapte (gugelhuph Without Milk)

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In sfarsit mi-am cumparat si eu o forma speciala de Gugelhupf sau Kugelhupf sau cum se zice pe la noi, Guguluf.
Forma asta rotunda care la origini era facuta din lut smaltuit, are o gaura la mijloc si este des folosita pentru a face prajituri in zona de sud a Germaniei, in Austria, Elvetia. De la ei au luat si adaptat americanii forma si au facut-o din tabla. Prajitura facuta de ei se numeste Bundt cake.
Reteta originala de Gugelhupf contine lapte. Ingredient pe care eu nu l-am avut in frumoasa zi de duminica in care mi s-a pus pata sa fac prajitura. Asa ca n-am pus. O sa scriu reteta asa cum am facut-o eu.
I finally bought a Gugelhupf mold. At the origin, it was made from glazed pottery and used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. From them came later the Bundt mold, done from aluminum.

The original recipe contains milk, ingredient that I didn't find in my fridge in the beautiful Sunday morning when I felt that urge to cook it. So I didn't use milk.


  • 60 g ciocolata amaruie 50%
  • 300 g faina 000
  • 2 lingurite praf de copt (1 pachetel)
  • un praf de sare
  • 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie facuta in casa
  • 200 g unt gras 85 %, taiat bucati, la temperatura camerei
  • 150 g zahar pudra
  • 200 g zahar tos
  • 5 oua, separate

1. Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C. Unge bine forma cu unt.
Bate bine albusurile cu mixerul, dupa care aduga zaharul tos in ploaie. Bate din nou pana ce se intareste.
2. In alt castron amesteca untul cu mixerul, pana devine ca o pasta. Adauga zaharul si bate la viteza mica, pana ce amestecul devine alb (cam 2 minute). Adauga galbenusurile pe rand, amestecand dupa fiecare.
3. Topeste ciocolata intr-un castron, la baia de aburi. Cand e gata lasa castronul la racit.
4. Cerne faina, impreuna cu praful de copt si sarea.
5. In amestecul cu unt, pune 1/4 din albusuri. Amesteca repede cu mixerul. Pune 1/2 din faina, apoi 1/4 de albus, 1/2 de faina, amestecand repede dupa fiecare adugare, cu mixerul. Pune restul de albus si amesteca cu o paleta, prin rasturnare.
6. Pune cateva linguri din compozitie in ciocolata si omogenizeaza bine.
In forma unsa cu unt pune 1/2 din compozitie, apoi toarna amestecul cu ciocolata.
Acopera cu restul de compozitie. Da la cuptor pentru 45- 60 minute, sau pana cand o scobitore infipta in prajitura iese curata.
Prajitura se mananca la cafea sau, asa cum am savurat-o eu, cu inghetata de ciocolata si capsune, facuta in casa






  • 60 g bittersweet chocolate, cut in small pieces
  • 300 g all- purpose flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp homemade vanilla essence
  • 200 g unsalted butter, soft and cut in small pieces
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • 5 eggs, separated

1. Preheat oven at 190 C. Grease with butter and flour the mold.

With an electric mixer whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form. Gradually add the granulated sugar and beat until shiny soft peaks are formed again.
2. Beat the butter in a large bowl with an electric mixer on high speed until smooth, about 1 minute. On low speed, beat in the powdered sugar, then increase the speed to medium-high and beat until the mixture is very light in color and texture, about 2 minutes. Beat in the egg yolks, one at a time. Add vanilla.
3. Melt the chocolate in the top part of  a double boiler, or use a metallic bowl that covers (to fit) a small pot with boiling water. Leave the chocolate to cool.
4. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together
5. Stir about 1/4 of the whites into the butter mixture. Stir in half of the flour, then 1/4 of whites, 1/2 flour. Fold in the remaining whites.
6. Transfer about one-third of the batter to a medium bowl and stir in the melted chocolate. Spread half of the white batter in the pan. Spoon in the chocolate batter, then top with the remaining white batter.
Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean, about 1 hour. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Invert onto the rack and cool completely.

This cake can be served at a cup or coffee, or, as I ate it, near some strawberry ice cream.

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