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Gnocchi De Ricotta Cu Mere Si Sos De Capsuni – Daring Cooks

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 Mod preparare:

Lasi la odihna pentru 3 ore laptele amestecat cu 4 linguri lamaie dupa care il pui la fiert si cand incepe sa fiarba, stingi focul. Lasi sa se raceasca si cand e caldut mai adaugi 4 linguri suc de lamaie si o sa vezi ca incepe sa se formeze cocoloase de branzica. Lasi sa se raceasca si apoi pui branzica in tifon si lasi la scurs toata noaptea. NU arunci zerul scurs. O sa obti branzica prospata in felul asta dar nu asta e ricotta. IMG_0498 []IMG_0528 [] IMG_0550 [] In zerul ramas adaugi 150 ml lapte si fierbi din nou la foc ffff mic. Incet incet vor aparea la suprafata bulinute de ricotta pe care le iei cu o paleta sile pui in tifon sau strecuratoare de plastic la scurs pentru cateva ore. Din dozele astea ies: 150gr branzica si 50 gr ricotta.IMG_0563 [] IMG_0579 [] IMG_0584 [] IMG_0590 [] IMG_0600 [] IMG_0625 [] IMG_0615 []


- 250 g ricotta
- 2 mere rase
- 50 gr faina
- 1 galbenus
- 80 gr zahar
- coaja de la o portocala
- 1 l suc mere


- 100 g capsuni

- zahar dupa gust


- 80 g pesmet

- 80 g zahar

Prajesti intr-o tigaie antiaderenta pesmetul cu zaharul si scortisoara si apoi lasi la racit.IMG_0633 []IMG_0657 []  Intr-un vas mare pui ricotta, merele rase si stoarse bine de suc, faina, galbenusul, zaharul ramas,coaja de portocala si le amesteci bine bine. S-ar putea sa mai fie nevoie de cateva linguri de faina. Aluatul rezultat trebuie sa fie moale, usor lipicios insa maleabil. Formezi pe masa infainata suluri de aluat din care tai cu cutitul bucatele grose cat degetul. Le dai apoi forma ovala de gnocchi.IMG_0671 []IMG_0693 []IMG_0681 []   Pui la fiert sucul de mere, micsorezi focul si adaugi bilutele de gnocchi. Cand se ridica la suprafata le mai lasi 2 minute, le scoti si le strecori si le tavalesti prin amestecul de pesmet. IMG_0750 []Prepari sosul de capsuni: mixezi capsunile cu zaharul pana rezulta un sos fin.

Servesti gnocchi cu sos de capsuni si frisca. IMG_0789 []  Au consistenta de gnocchi cu cartofi insa sunt foarte aromati. Nu ai ghici ca sunt cu ricotta daca ai gusta. Sunt moi in interior si crocanti la exterior, datorita crustei caramelizate. Sosul de capsuni le completeaza ideal.IMG_0834 []


I simply hate both ricotta and gnocchi. So I wasn’t very happy about this first Daring Cooks challenge. I tried to find a sweet recipe so that I can ease my “suffers”. I think I found the perfect recipe: The gnocchi tastes great – more like orange zest and apples (huuuuuuuu ricotta!) and the combination with the starwberry sauce and the crunchy crust is awsome. I think I’m in love with this recipe now…


- 1 liter fresh high fat milk

- 8 Tbs fresh lemon juice

- additional 150 ml fresh high fat milk

1. Put 4 Tbs of lemon juice in the milk. Let it rest for 3 hours. Then bring the mixture to boil. When it starts to boil, turn off the heat. When it’s still warm add another 4 Tbs of lemon juice. Let it cool completely. Line a sieve with cheesecloth or paper towels and place the cheese in the sieve. Let it drain over night. Don’t throw the remaining liquid!!!

This is NOT the ricotta. I’ve seen many recipes where this first boiled cheese was considered to be ricotta. No my friends, this is not ricotta. This is a soft cheese but ricotta is creamier. Ri-cotta means doubled boiled. This cheese is not double boiled.

2. Add the 150 ml of milk in the remaining liquid (buttermilk). Put it on very low heat and let it boil. After a few minutes you will see small pieces of ricotta coming up. Let it on the fire until no ricotta comes up. Take the ricotta with a spoon and let it drain in a sieve cloth for about 3-4 hours.

Now that’s the ricotta!


- 250 g of ricotta

- 2 finley grated apples

- 50 g flour

- 1 egg yolk

- 80 g sugar

- zest from one orange

- 1 liter apple juice


- 100 g fresh strawberries

- sugar to taste


- 80 g bread crumbs

- 80 g sugar

1. Fry the sugar and the bread crumbs in a pan, until it turns golden. Let it cool.

2. Mix the strawberries and the sugar until smooth.

3. Mix all the ingredients for the gnocchi. If too sticky add some more flour. Form some dough sticks. Cut them in small pieces and form gnocchi.

4. Put the apple juice in a pot and bring it to boil.

5. Put the gnocchi into boiling juice. After they rise up let them boil for another 2 minutes.

6. Cover the gnocchi with the crust. Serve them with strawberry sauce and whipped cream.


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Prima proba Daring Cooks. Proba inaugurala debuteaza cu o reteta de gnocchi cu ricotta. Nu m-a bucurat prea tare aceasta proba deoarece nu suport nici ricotta nici gnocchi. De-aceea am amanat fabricarea lor pana azi. I-am terminat de cateva minute asa ca sunt inca fierbinti :) Am ales o varianta dulce ca sa mearga mai usor pe gat insa rezultatul m-a uimit: acesti gnocchi seamana foarte mult la aspect si gust cu papanasii fierti! Sunt foarte foarte buni. Si spre surprinderea mea chiar mi-au placut!

Am ales sa fac ricotta de casa pentru ca este net mai buna decat cea din comert. Este costisitoare insa gustul merita tot efortul.




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