Friptura De Primavara - Spring Steak

articol scris de amainbucatarie.blogs blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Aceasta friptura este un mod de a combina o traditionala friptura de porc cu legume proaspete de primavara. Nu este o reteta dificila, dar este de efect si va garantez ca se potriveste perfect si la o masa eleganta.
Mod preparare:
Fierbeti cartofii, ii lasati sa se raceasca si ii taiati in patru.
Separat amestecati supa de pui cu otet, ulei si ceapa verde tocata si turnati amestecul peste cartofi.
Adaugati si ridichile taiate felii subtiri si amestecati cu grija pentru a nu zdrobi cartofii.
Carnea de porc o spalati si o portionati dupa cum doriti (eu ales felii mici, cat jumatate de palma). O condimentati dupa gust si o prajiti.
Se servesc langa salata de cartofi.

Spring steak
This is a great way to combine a good old pork steak with an fresh, spring potato salad, to please the protein slave and the salad eater. Even if this is a very simple and easy recipe, I guarantee you that you can serve it at an elegant dinner.
800 g potatoes
2 spring onions
3-4 radishes
250 ml chicken broth
2 tbl vinegar
5 tbl olive oil
salt, pepper
Start by boiling the potatoes, let them cool and cut them in four.
Meanwhile, mix the chicken broth with the chopped spring onions, vinegar and olive oil, and pour it over the potatoes.
Add the radishes (cut in thin slices) and mix with care not to crush the potatoes.
Wash and cut the pork and season as you wish. Fry it and serve it with the potato salad.
800 g potatoes
2 spring onions
3-4 radishes
250 ml chicken broth
2 tbl vinegar
5 tbl olive oil
salt, pepper
Start by boiling the potatoes, let them cool and cut them in four.
Meanwhile, mix the chicken broth with the chopped spring onions, vinegar and olive oil, and pour it over the potatoes.
Add the radishes (cut in thin slices) and mix with care not to crush the potatoes.
Wash and cut the pork and season as you wish. Fry it and serve it with the potato salad.
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