Friptura De Porc Cu Rozmarin - Rosemary Rubbed Pork

articol scris de amainbucatarie.blogs blog
Teoretic nici nu prea am ce reteta sa prezint astazi.
Luam frumusete de ceafa de porc, o condimentam cu condimentul nostru obisnuit de friptura (eu am unul un pic dulce si cu chimion) si apoi frecam bine carnea cu frunzulite de rozmarin. Lasati sa se patrunda aroma o ora-doua la frigider, apoi prajiti si degustati :).Until now, everytime I cooked pork I cose a hard way. Whether I had a fancy recipe with fruits and jam, whether working on the condiment mixture took me a lot of time and effort. This is why, trying such a simple recipe with rosemary seemed a little bit strange at firts. The truth is, from then on, everytime I cook pork I can hardly control myself not to add rosemary! :)
The recipe is very simple: take some beautiful pork chops and rub them with a mixture of salt, pepper, cumin and rosemary. Let them sit in the refrigerator for an hour or so and then fry them.
After that all you have to do is savour :)
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