Friptura De Curcan Cu Sos De Branza Si Ciuperci Umplute

articol scris de elenapaduretu blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Reteta aceasta este adaptata dupa o reteta slovaca, unde se vad influentele italienesti prin sosul de branza care o acompaniaza. Am ales sa o pregatesc impreuna cu ciuperci umplute pentru ca, in mintea mea, totul avea sens. Si mi-am dat seama de asta cand am gustat prima oara, o explozie de gusturi, care mai de care mai delicioase. Ramane printre felurile mele preferate!
4 fileuri de curcan
2 linguri unt
O lingura ulei
2 catei de usturoi zdrobiti
Turkey Fillets:
- 4 turkey breast fillets
all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon oil
2 cloves minced garlic
2 linguri unt
100g branza Gorgonzola, sau de care doriti, rasa sau maruntita
100g smantana lichida de 40% grasime
1/8 lingurita piper alb
O lingura patrunjel tocat
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 pound Gorgonzola cheese, or whatever cheese you like, crumbled or scraped
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/8 teaspoon white pepper or to taste
Chopped parsley
Ciuperci umplute:
8 ciuperci mari
250g ciuperci mici
2 rosii
1 ardei gras
1 ceapa
4 catei usturoi
4 catei usturoi
1 lingura patrunjel tocat
Batem carnea pentru a o fragezi apoi o asezonam, dar nu foarte tare pentru ca sosul de branza va fi destul de sarat. Dati carnea prin faina apoi lasati deoparte 5 minute.
Incingeti untul si uleiul intr-o tigaie mai mare, prajiti carnea pe ambele parti pana se rumeneste, in jur de 10-12 minute. Luati si puneti si puneti deoparte pe un servet de bucatarie.
Spalam ciupercile. Nu le decojim, doar le rupem coditele. Asezam palariile ciupercilor scurse bine de apa, intr-o tava intinsa. In fiecare punem un varf de unt. Punem cateva cubulete de unt si in tava.
In acest timp, tocam marunt rosiile decojite si ceapa, ardeiul gras si ciupercile mici le taiem cubulete.
Incingem 30g unt, intr-o craticioara. Punem ceapa si usturoiul, calim 1 minut si adaugam restul de legume, impreuna cu patrunjelul tocat. Presaram sare si piper dupa gust si lasam sa fiarba pe foc mic, pana ce scade.
Scoatem tava din cuptor, punem umplutura in fiecare palarioara si mai lasam 5 minute la cuptor. Se scot si se adauga cascaval pe fiecare palarie si se mai lasa 5 minute.
Faceti sosul astfel: intr-o tigaie incingeti untul, apoi adaugati branza rasa si smantana lichida si lasati la foc mic. Amestecati din cand in cand, lasati in jur de 5 minute pana se topeste branza apoi adaugati piper alb si patrunjel tocat.
Serviti carnea cu sosul si ciupercile umplute.
Pound the turkey fillets until they are about 1/4 inch thick. Season with salt and pepper. Be careful with the salt because the Gorgonzola sauce is salty. Dredge the fillets in all-purpose flour. Let them dry 5 minutes before cooking.
In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons butter and oil. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute over low heat. Raise the heat to medium and saute the turkey fillets until golden brown on both sides and cooked through, about 10-12 minutes.
To make the Gorgonzola sauce: In a small saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add the cheese and cream. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 4 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Season with white pepper.
Ladle a portion of sauce on a heated plate and place a turkey fillet on top. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired.
Faceti sosul astfel: intr-o tigaie incingeti untul, apoi adaugati branza rasa si smantana lichida si lasati la foc mic. Amestecati din cand in cand, lasati in jur de 5 minute pana se topeste branza apoi adaugati piper alb si patrunjel tocat.
Serviti carnea cu sosul si ciupercile umplute.
Pound the turkey fillets until they are about 1/4 inch thick. Season with salt and pepper. Be careful with the salt because the Gorgonzola sauce is salty. Dredge the fillets in all-purpose flour. Let them dry 5 minutes before cooking.
In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons butter and oil. Add the garlic and cook 1 minute over low heat. Raise the heat to medium and saute the turkey fillets until golden brown on both sides and cooked through, about 10-12 minutes.
To make the Gorgonzola sauce: In a small saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add the cheese and cream. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 4 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Season with white pepper.
Ladle a portion of sauce on a heated plate and place a turkey fillet on top. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired.