Flori De Dovlecel Umplute Cu Mozzarella Si Ansoa (stuffed Zucchini Blossoms)
articol scris de Brindusa blog brindusascheaua.blogspot.com
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
This is for me a premiere. I am sure that everybody knows about preparing zucchini blossoms, but I heard about this only half a year ago. And my reaction was : "What???!!! Me to eat flowers? I don't think so. " Since than my culinary preferences changed radically, so I wanted to give a chance to this dish. I started with something basic: mozzarella and anchovy. It was good, not thrilling, however I will make them again. Maybe in another combination.
Am citit despre prepararea florilor de dovlecel cam acum o jumatate de an, intr-o carte cu mancaruri frantuzesti. La inceput mi s-a parut destul de ciudat sa mananci flori. De atunci, insa, gusturile mele culinare s-au schimbat foarte mult, asa ca m-am hotarat sa-i dau o sansa. Am ales o reteta simpla cu mozzarella si ansoa. A iesit ceva bun, dar nu care sa ma dea pe spate. Cu toate acestea o sa mai incerc si alte combinatii, pentru ca mancarea asta are un avantaj: e foarte usor de facut.
Dovlecelul are doua tipuri de flori. Cele din care se formeaza leguma (care de fapt e un fruct) sunt florile femeiesti, iar cele care cresc pe o tulpinita sunt cele barbatesti. Ambele tipuri de flori sunt comestibile si pot fi folosite in tot felul de mancaruri si garnituri. Eu am folosit din cele barbatesti pentru ca mi s-au parut mai usor de manevrat.
Am prajit florile intr-un amestec asemanator cu cel de la tempura. Adica un fel de pane.
- 14 flori de dovlecel proaspete
- 14 bucatele mici de mozzarella
- 14 fileuri de ansoa (din conserva)
- 100 ml ulei pentru prajit
- 1 ou, batut bine
- 100 ml apa de la gheata
- 3 linguri faina
- 1/2 lingurita piper (sare nu trebuie pentru ca ansoa este sarata)
- Mai intai pregateste florile. Cu un cutit mic si ascutit fa usor o taietura in lungul florii. Taie usor pistilul (vezi poza)
- Ia o bucatica de branza si infasoara in jurul ei un fileu de ansoa. Umple cu ele floarea de dovlecel si rasuceste-o usor ca sa inchizi taietura.
- Pune uleiul la incalzit. Cand e fierbinte, pregateste pane-ul
- Amesteca oul cu apa. Toarna toata faina si amesteca usor cu o furculita. Nu-i nimic daca raman cocoloase.
- De aici trebuie sa te misti repede, ca sa nu se arda mancarea. Tinand floarea de codita, invarteste-o in amestec, astfel incat sa fie acoperita pe toate partile. Imediat pune-o la prajit in uleiul fierbinte.
- Repeta rapid cu alte flori, cate iti intra in tigaie.
- Cand s-au aurit pe o parte, intoarce-le.
- Cand sunt gata pune-le la scurs pe hartie absorbanta.
- Se mananca imediat ce sunt toate gata.
English version
Zucchini have two types of flowers. The female flowers from which the vegetable (which is actually a fruit) is formed and the male flowers which are growing on a stem. Both types of flowers are edible and can be used in all kinds of dishes and garnish. I have used in the male once because I have felt easier to handle.I fried the flowers in a batter mixture similar to tempura.
* 14 fresh zucchini flowers
* 14 small pieces of mozzarella
* 14 anchovy fillets (canned)
* 100 ml oil for frying
Tempura mixture
* 1 egg, well beaten
* 100 ml ice water
* 3 tablespoons flour
* 1 / 2 teaspoon black pepper (salt is not necessary, as anchovies are salty)
1. First prepare the flowers. With a sharp knife make asmall cut along the flower. Cut the pestle (see picture)
2. Take a piece of cheese and wrapped around her an anchovy fillet. Fill zucchini flower with them and twist it to close the cut.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan. When it is hot, prepare tempura
4. Mix egg with cold water. Pour all the flour and mix lightly with a fork. Never mind if it remains lumpy.
5. From here you must move quickly, not to burn the food. Holding the flower by stem, rotate the blossom in tempura, so it is covered on all sides. Immediately put it in hot oil.
6. Quickly repeat with other flowers.
7. When they are golden on one side, turn them.
8. When ready, put them to drain on absorbent paper.
9. Eat as soon as they are all ready.