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Eggs In The Nest / Oua In Cuib

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
I found on the Internet a new recipe for breakfast: eggs in the nest. The difference is ... the nest: they put the eggs in buns, but I didn't have buns. So I put the eggs in little nests made from aluminum foil. It's not hard to make the nest, just try like in my picture. Then I put some butter and I broke in every nest one egg, I added salt and pepper and I cooked in oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees F. We ate the baked eggs with ham and tomatoes and cucumber. Delicious !!
Am gasit pe internet o noua reteta pentru micul dejun: oua coapte in cuib. La mine diferenta a facut-o cuibul: nu am folosit jumatati de chifle pentru ca nu am avut, asa ca am facut cate un cuib din folie de aluminiu. In fiecare cuib am pus putin unt, apoi am spart cate un ou, am pus sare si piper si le-am lasat la cuptor 15 minute la temperatura mai inalta. Am servit ouale coapte cu rosii si castraveti. Foarte foarte bun !! Trebuie sa incercati.