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Daring Cooks - Pâtés And Bread

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe

Our hostesses this month, Evelyne of Cheap Ethnic Eatz, and Valerie of a The Chocolate Bunny, chose delicious pate with freshly baked bread as their June Daring Cook’s challenge! They’ve provided us with 4 different pate recipes to choose from and are allowing us to go wild with our homemade bread choice.
Pentru luna aceasta, Evelyne si Valerie ne-au propus sa facem Pate si Paine de casa. Au fost mai multe variante de pate, dintre care eu am ales nu una, ci doua. Am facut Pateul din ficat de pui  pentru baietii mei si Pateul vegetal in trei culori pentru mine, pentru ca eu nu mananc ficat. Am facut si bagheta frantuzeasca.
Astazi o sa postez numai reteta de la Pateul vegetal. Pe celelalte retete le puteti citi in zilele urmatore.
In reteta originala, stratul alb al pateului era facut din fasole uscata. Eu am folosit naut, pentru ca imi place mai mult. Stratul rosu mi s-a parut foarte fluid, asa ca am adaugat putina gelatina vegetala. In rest am urmat reteta originala.

  • Stratul verde a fost in cantitate prea mica. Trebuie facuta o cantitate dubla.
  • Stratul rosu e prea moale. Trebuie adaugata mai multa gelatina vegetal (1 pachetel)

Ingrediente pentru o forma de chec:
Intinde de-a lungul formei folie de plastic in asa fel incat sa fie mai mare decat forma.
Pentru Stratul Alb, din naut
  • 2 cutii mici de naut (sau 1 mare, sau 300 g naut fiert )
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline
  • 1/2 de lamaie, sucul
  • 3 linguri pasta tahini
  • 4 catei de usturoi
Se mixeaza toate foarte bine, pana ce rezulta o pasta. Se intinde in forma in strat uniform.

Pentru Stratul rosu
  • 1 borcan de 800 g de ardei capia  copti si curatati
  • 150 g branza feta
  • 1 pachetel gelatina vegetala
Mixeaza toate pana ce ajung ca o pasta. Intinde uniform peste stratul alb.
Pentru Stratul verde
  • 1 legatura busuioc proaspat
  • 2 legaturi patrunjel
  • 60 g muguri de pin, prajiti uscat
  • 120 g urda (sau branza ricotta, ca tot aia e)
  • 45 ml ulei de masline
Mixeaza bine primele 3 ingrediente. Adauga uleiul in fir subtire, amestecand, pana ce amestecul devine onctuos. Adauga branza si mixeaza pana ce amestecul e omogen. Se intinde uniform peste stratul rosu.
Mie mi-a fost cam greu sa-l intind, pentru ca stratul rosu era cam moale. Mai bine as fi pus alb- verde- rosu.

Acopera bine cu folie de plastic si tine la frigider 24 de ore. Inainte de a-l servi tine-l la congelator 30 min. Scoate-l din forma, cojeste folia de plastic si serveste-l pe paine de casa, ornat cu frunze de busuioc si patrunjel

English version
For this challenge I decided to make not one, but 2 pates: The chicken liver pate and  Tricolor Vegetable Pâté. The second one is for me, because I don't like liver.

Today I will post only the vegetable pate. The following days you can read the recipe for Chicken liver pate and for French Baguette.
In the original recipe white beans are used. Instead of them, I used chickpeas, which I like a lot. The red layer was very fluid, so I added some veggie gelatin.
  • The green layer is too thin. The quantities must be doubled
  • The red layer is too fluid. More veggie gelatin will give it strength (2 teaspoons)

Tricolor Vegetable Pâté
Yields one 25 by 12,5 cm (10 by 5 inch) terrine or loaf pan
Line your pan with plastic wrap, overlapping sides.

White Chickpea Layer

2 x 15-ounce / 900 ml chickpea cans , rinsed, drained thoroughly
4 tbsp / 15 ml fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp / 15 ml olive oil
3 tbsp Tahini (sesame paste)
4 garlic cloves, pressed
Mash chickpeas in large bowl. Add lemon juice, olive oil, tahini and garlic and blend until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Spread bean mixture evenly on bottom of prepared pan.
Red Pepper Layer
7-ounce / 210 ml jar roasted red bell peppers, drained, chopped
3/4 cup / 180 ml crumbled feta cheese (about 4 ounces)
2 tsp vegetable gelatin
Combine peppers, feta and gelatin in processor and blend until smooth. Spread pepper mixture evenly over bean layer in prepared dish.
Pesto Layer
4 garlic cloves
1 cup / 240 ml fresh basil leaves
1 cup / 240 ml fresh Italian parsley leaves
1/4 cup / 60 ml toasted pine nuts
3 tbsp / 45 ml olive oil
1/2 cup / 120 ml low-fat ricotta cheese
Mince garlic in processor. Add basil, parsley and pine nuts and mince. With machine running, gradually add oil through feed tube and process until smooth. Mix in ricotta. Spread pesto evenly over red pepper layer.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

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