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Daring Bakers - Piece Montee (croquembouche)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


The May 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Cat of Little Miss Cupcake. Cat challenged everyone to make a piece montée, or croquembouche, based on recipes from Peter Kump’s Baking School in Manhattan and Nick Malgieri.
Provocarea lunii mai la Daring Baker a fost sa realizam un desert facut in Franta in general la nunti, numit Piece Montee sau Croquembouche. La baza stau choux-uri umplute cu crema si apoi asamblate intr-o structura inalta.
This is my final dish

For choux, I used this recipe.
Pentru choux, am folosit reteta de aici.
I filled them with Chocolate Pastry Cream  (half batch)
Le-am umplut cu crema de ciocolata (ingrediente pentru jumatate de cantitate)
  • 225 + 50 ml whole milk
  • 2 Tbsp. cornstarch
  • 100 g. sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 30 g. unsalted butter
  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla
  • 100 g semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
  • 225 + 50 ml lapte
  • 100 g zahar
  • 2 linguri amidon de porumb
  • 1 ou + 2 galbenusuri
  • 30 g unt
  • 1 lingura esenta de vanilie
  • 100 g ciocolata amaruie, taiata marunt


Incalzeste bine cele 50 ml de lapte si pune-le peste ciocolata. Amesteca sa se topeasca ciocolata.
Dizolva amidonul in 50 ml lapte.
Amesteca oul intreg si apoi galbenusurile in amestecul cu amidon. Amesteca restul de lapte cu zaharul si pune pe foc sa dea un clocot. Toarna 1/2 din laptele fierbinte, in fir subtire, amestecand continuu cu telul, ca sa nu se taie oul.
Pune restul de lapte din nou sa dea un clocot. Toarnadin nou in fir subtire peste crema, batand continuu cu telul. Pune crema pe foc mic, amestecand, pana ce crema se ingroasa. Ia de pe foc si adauga untul, ciocolata si vanilia.
Da la rece acoperita bine la suprafata cu folie de plastic, ca sa nu faca pojghita. Poti pastra crema la frigider pana e gata sa fie folosita.

Heat to boil 50 ml of milk and pour it over the chopped  chocolate. Stir until smooth.
Dissolve cornstarch in 50 ml milk. Beat in the egg and than the egg yolks.
Mix remaining milk with sugar and bring to boil. Pour slowly 1/2 of the milk in the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Return remaining milk to boil and pour it slowly over the hot egg mixture, whisking.
Put the cream over low heat and whisk until it thickens.
Add butter, vanilla and chocolate mixture. Stir until the cream is smooth and homogeneous.
Press plastic wrap firmly against the surface. Chill immediately until is ready to use.
Pierce the bottom of each choux with the tip of the pastry bag. Fill them as much as you can.
Cu varful de la posh fa o gaura in fiecare choux si umple-le cat de mult poti.

To assemble the piece montee, we must make the Hard Caramel Glaze
  • 225 g of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
Mix them in a saucepan until the sugar resembles wet sand. Place on medium heat; heat without stirring until sugar starts to melt around the sides of the pan and the center begins to smoke. Begin to stir sugar. Continue heating, stirring occasionally until the sugar is a clear, amber color. Remove from heat immediately. Use immediately.
Ca sa realizez Piece Montee, am mai avut de facut si glazura de caramel
  • 225 g zahar
  • 1/2 lingurita zeama de lamaie
Se amesteca intr-o craticioara, pana cand are aspectul de nisip umed.
Se pune zaharul pe foc mediu si se lasa, fara sa se amestece pana ce incepe sa se topeasca pe la margini si fumega in mijloc.
Incepe sa amesteci din cand in cand, aducand zaharul netopit pe margini ca sa se topeasca. Ai grija sa nu se arda zaharul. In final, trebuie sa arate asa:
Inmoaie fundul a cate un choux in caramel si fa din ele un cerc pe o farfurie. Continua cu un nou strat deasupra, si asa mai departe pana ce termini toate gogoselele. Orneaza cu caramelul ramas.

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