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Daring Bakers Challenge June 2009 - Bakewell Tart

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The June Daring Bakers" challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800"s in England.

Bakewell tarts…er…puddings combine a number of dessert elements but still let you show off your area’s seasonal fruits.

Like many regional dishes there’s no “one way” to make a Bakewell Tart…er…Pudding, but most of today’s versions fall within one of two types. The first is the “pudding” where a layer of jam is covered by an almondy pastry cream and baked in puff pastry. The second is the “tart” where a rich shortcrust pastry holds jam and an almondy sponge cake-like filling.

The version we’re daring you to make is a combination of the two: a sweet almond-flavoured shortcrust pastry, frangipane and jam.

Era cat pe ce sa nu mai apuc sa indeplinesc provocarea lunii iunie de la Daring Bakers. Mai intai am uitat ziua.
Azi cand am vazut ca au inceput fetele sa publice variantele lor, am intrat in panica. Apoi m-a mai incercat un moment de descurajare cand am deschis cuptorul si am descoperit o chestie amorfa in cuptor. Nu a iesit perfect, dar am putut sa ma bucur si eu de un desert traditional englezesc.
Se incepe cu pregatirea crustei din 225g faina, 30g zahar, 1/2 lingurita sare, 110 g unt, 2 galbenusuri, 1/2 lgt esenta de migdale si 1-2 linguri de apa rece. Cand s-a format aluatul, lasati-l la rece 30 de minute.
Scoateti aluatul si intindeti-l pe o suprafata presarata cu faina pana ajungeti la dimensiunea aproximativa a formei de tarta. Introduceti aluatul in forma si taiati marginile care depasesc tava. Cu bucatile taiate puteti eventual petici locurile unde aluatul este subtiat.
Dati din nou aluatul la rece 20-30 de minute.
Intre timp pregatiti umplutura din 125 gr unt, 125 gr zahar, 3 oua, 30 gr faina si 1/2 lgt de esenta de migdale. In plus eu am mai adaugat cateva linguri de mac.
Scoateti crusta din frigider si intindeti uniform 125 grame de dulceata. Eu am folosit dulceata de capsuni. Apoi se intinde umplutura din mac si se da la cuptorul incins pentru 30-40 de minute. Se serveste caldut, iar eu recomand sa serviti langa un ceai negru englezesc.

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