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Curry-ul De Azi: Cu Dovlecel. ( Today S Curry: With Zucchini)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe
I don't know if zucchini is used in curries, but today my mouth was screaming for some Indian food and a large white zucchini was rotting in my fridge. It came out very tasty, as the zucchini took all the flavors from the spices.
Nu stiu daca dovlecelul e folosit in curry, dar eu am avut azi asa o pofta de mancare Indiana, iar in frigiderul meu zacea de vreo saptamna un dovlecel ce era gata sa se strice. In final mancarea a iesit gustoasa, dovlecelul (care are un gust neutru) imbibandu-se cu arome de la condimente.

Ingrediente pentru 3 portii:
  • 1 piept de pui mare, fara oase si piele, taiat fasii subtiri
  • 1 dovlecel mare, fara coaja si seminte, taiat cubulete
  • 2 catei de usturoi, rasi fin
  • 3 cm ghimbir, ras fin
  • 2 cepe medii, tocate
  • 3 linguri pasta de tomate
  • 2 lingurite turmeric
  • 1 lingurita Garam Masala
  • 2-3 cani de apa
  • 1 mana de orez basmati (optional)
  • sare dupa gust
  • 4 linguri ulei de porumb
  1. Incalzeste uleiul intr-o cratita mare (eu folosesc wokul).
  2. Pune usturoiul si ghimbirul. Amesteca de 5-6 ori.
  3. Adauga ceapa si, la foc mediu- mare , amestecand ca sa nu se arda las-o 3-4 minute.
  4. Adauga 1 lingurita turmeric si Garam Masala. Amesteca de cateva ori.
  5. Aduga pasta de tomate si prajeste-o la foc mediu pana ce uleiul se ridica (cateva minute).
  6. Adauga puiul si amesteca-l bine in sos. Pune sarea si 2 cani de apa. Acopera cu un capac si lasa la foc mic pana ce carnea e aprope facuta.
  7. Pune dovleceii si, daca apa a scazut prea mult, mai adauga apa. Pune si restul de turmeric. Lasa sa fiarba la foc mic 5 minute.
  8. Daca vrei ca mancarea sa fie mai consistenta pune orezul. In cazul asta sosul trebuie sa fie mai lichid, pentru ca orezul il absoarbe. Lasa 7 minute.
  9. Potriveste de sare. Inchide focul si mai lasa cratita sa stea cu capacul pus cam 10 minute.
  10. Serveste mancarea imediat, presarata cu patrunjel tocat. A2a zi nu mai este la fel de buna.

English version
Ingredients for 3 servings:
* 1 large chicken breast without skin and bone, cut thin strips
* 1 large zucchini, without peel and seeds and cut into cubes
* 2 cloves garlic, finely grated
* 1,5 inch (3 cm) ginger, finely grated
* 2 medium onions, chopped
* 3 tablespoons tomato paste
* 2 teaspoons turmeric
* 1 teaspoon garam masala
* 2-3 cups water
* A handful of basmati rice (optional)
* Salt to taste
* 4 tablespoons corn oil
1. Heat oil in a large skillet (I use a wok).
2. Put garlic and ginger. Mix 5-6 times.
3. Add onion and, over medium-high, stir (to not let it burn) for 3-4 minutes.
4. Add 1 teaspoon turmeric and garam masala. Mix several times.
5. Add the tomato paste and fry it over medium heat until oil rises (few minutes).
6. Add chicken and stir it well in the sauce. Put salt and 2 cups of water. Cover with a lid and let simmer until meat is almost done.
7. Put zucchini and add more water if the sauce is too thick. Put the rest of turmeric. Let it simmer on low heat 5 minutes.
8. If you want to be more consistent, add rice. The sauce should be more liquid for the rice to absorb it. Simmer 7 minutes.
9. Taste for salt. Close fire and let the pot sit about 10 minutes with the lid on.
10. Serve food immediately, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

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