Cucumber Tea Sandwich/ Sandvis Cu Castraveti

articol scris de elenapaduretu blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Never had a tea party before. What pops in my mind are cakes, cookies, tea obviously but if you are really hungry, are there such things as tea party sandwiches? A quick Google search and found this cucumber tea sandwich, they say it's quintessential for a tea party. No tea party without them so I didn't want my party to lack such a star. Thinking about cucumbers there's a lack of taste that comes trough my thoughts but no sir, not this sandwich! All the garlic and lemon flavour will make you raise that pinky and make you wanna have tea parties every week.
Sandwich pentru tea party? Nu mai auzisem pana acum, dar cu ajutorul Google'ului am gasit aceasta reteta, esentiala unui astfel de eveniment. Cel putin asa se spune. Castravetele pentru mine este un pic cam fad, dar nu si aceasta reteta! Usturoiul si zeama de lamaie te trezesc imediat daca te-a luat toropeala de la atata ceai. Yummi! Reteta in romana in josul paginii.
1 large cucumber, peeled and sliced very thinly
3/4 cup soft butter
2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic
20 pieces thin-sliced bread
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
Pepper to taste
Lightly salt the cucumber slices and place them in a colander to drain for 1 to 2 hours.
Combine the butter and garlic and apply to one side of each slice of bread.
In a small bowl, stir together the lemon juice, olive oil, and pepper. Add the cucumber slices, coating them well.
Arrange the cucumber on 10 of the bread slices, top with the other 10 slices, remove the crusts, and quarter. Serve immediately.
Ingrediente (40 bucati):
Un castravete curatat si taiat cubulete
180 g unt moale
2 lingurite usturoi pisat
20 felii paine alba taiata subtire
O lingura zeama lamaie
1 lingura ulei masline
Piper, sare
Mod de pregatire:
Sarati castravetii si puneti-i la scurs pentru 1-2 ore.
Amestecati untul cu usturoiul si ungeti toate feliile de paine.
Intr-un bol, amestecati zeama de lamaie, uleiul si piper dupa gust. Adaugati castravetii si amestecati bine.
Aranjati castravetii pe 10 felii de paine, faceti sandvis cu feliile ramase. Indepartati marginile, apoi taiati in 4. Serviti imediat.