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Conserva Bio De Fasole Verde In Suc De Rosii, Pentru Iarna (canned Green Beans In Tomato Sauce, For Winter)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Scroll down for English recipe


Next winter they will remind me of this spectacular summer.
La iarna o sa-mi aduca o farama din vara asta minunata.

Eu nu folosesc la conservare nici un fel de chimicale. In reteta aceasta fasolea se pastreaza foarte bine, chiar si 2 ani. Atat fasolea, cat si rosiile le am din gradina. Asa sunt sigura ca sunt BIO.
Ingrediente pentru 6 borcane mari (cantitatile sunt destul de aproximative)

  • 4 kg fasole
  • 2 l suc de rosii proaspat facut
  1. Curata fasolea de capete si eventuala "ata". Daca e prea lunga, rupe-o in bucati
  2. Pune o oala cu multa apa (cam 8 l) la fiert
  3. Cand apa fierbe, pune fasolea si fierbe-o putin, pana devine mai moale si flexibila
  4. Strecoara bine fasolea si las-o sa se raceasca putin
  5. Pune fasolea in borcane, indesand cat poti de multa
  6. Umple borcanele cu suc de rosii si insurubeaza bine capacul
  7. Pe fundul unei cratite foarte mari pune un strat de ziare. Pune borcanele inauntru, unul langa altul. Toarna apa cat sa acopere 2/3 din borcane. Acopera borcanele cu un capac mare sau un strat de ziare.
  8. Pune cratita la fiert. Fierbe 1 ora din momentul in care apa a inceput sa fierba
  9. Lasa borcanele la racit in cratita pana a doua zi.

English version
Ingredients for 6 large jars (amounts are quite approximate)
* 4 kg green beans
* 2 fresh tomato sauce
1. Clean beans and if it's too long, break it into pieces
2. Put a pot with plenty of water (about 8 liters) to boil
3. When water boils, put the beans and boil it not for a long time, but until it becomes soft and flexible
4. Strain the beans well and let her cool
5. Put beans in a jar, pressing to enter more
6. Fill jars with tomato juice and screw the lids well
7. On the bottom of a large pan put a layer of newspapers. Put jars in there, side by side. Pour water as to cover two thirds of the jars. Cover jars with a largelid or a layer of newspapers.
8. Put the saucepan to a boil. Simmer 1 hour from the time the water began to boil
9. Allow jars to cool in the pan until the next day.

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