Sursa "Cinnabons"

articol scris de Gabi99 blog yumyumcorner.blogspot.com
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Deschid blogul meu de retete cu acest desert perfect: "Cinnabons".
Ingrediente aluat:
-450-500 gr. faina (recomand 000)
-240 ml. lapte caldut
-2 oua
-100 gr. zahar
-80 gr. unt moale (lasat cu 2 ore inainte la temp. camerei)
-un praf de sare
- 2 pliculete de drojdie (12gr/plic)
Ingrediente umplutura:
-200 gr. zahar (normal sau brun)
-80 gr. unt moale
-2 si 1/2 linguri rase scortisoara
-3 linguri rase faina (optional)
Ingrediente glazura:
-90 gr. crema de branza (branza crema Philladelphia)
-90 gr. unt
-180 gr. zahar pudra
-1/2 lingurita esenta de vanilie
-un praf de sare
Mod de preparare:
Se ia un vas mare pentru prepararea aluatului si se incepe prin dizolvarea pliculetelor de drojdie in laptele caldut. Dupa care se adauga pe rand: zaharul, untul moale, ouale, praful de sare si doar 300 gr. din faina. Toate ingredientele se amesteca bine, adaugand incetul cu incetul restul de faina, pana se obtine un aluat elastic, usor lipicios. Il puneti intr-un vas acoperit cu un stergar si il asezati la loc cald pentru o ora. Recomand imbracarea aluatului cu un plastic care sa nu il stranga, dar sa il acopere in totalitate si apoi puneti stergarul. Eu asa fac la orice tip de aluat pe care il prepar si va garantez ca acesta va creste mai repede si mai bine.
Dupa ce aluatul si-a dublat volumul, intindeti-l bine cu ajutorul sucitorului pe masa pe care ati presarat faina in prealabil, pana obtineti un dreptunghi cu lungimea de aprox. 50 cm, iar latimea, aprox. 40 cm.
Realizati umplutura prin amestecarea zaharului cu untul, scortisoara si faina. Daca folositi si faina (eu nu o folosesc intotdeauna) si umplutura devine cam groasa, nu e motiv de ingrijorare, doar incercati sa o intindeti pe toata suprafata aluatului, ea transformandu-se intr-o delicioasa crema, odata bagata la cuptor.
Dupa intinderea umpluturii pe foaia de aluat, rulati-l usor, incepand cu latura lunga a aluatului. Dupa ce ati obtinut ruloul, urmeaza taierea acestuia, pe care va recomand sa nu o faceti cu ajutorul cutitului. Luati un fir de ata, lung de cca. 20 cm., treceti-l pe sub rulou, iar cand ajungeti la o distanta de cca. 6 cm. de capat, uniti capetele atei pe deasupra, lasand ata sa taie perfect primul rulou. Faceti la fel cu celelalte bucati. Mie, de obicei imi ies 6-8 rulouri, dar recunosc ca nu tin intotdeauna cont de marimea lor.
Odata rulourile realizate, ungeti o tavita deorice fel (rotunda sau patrata) cu ulei si asezati-le in aceasta la distanta de cativa cm. unul de celalalt.
Odata asezate in tavita, bagati-le la cuptor timp de cca. 10 minute. Acestea se vor mari si se vor rumeni usor, semn ca sunt gata.
Daca doriti si glazura - spun asta pentru ca eu le prefer fara - preparati aceasta glazura in timp ce ele se afla la cuptor. Amestecati crema de branza cu zaharul pudra, untul si esenta de vanilie, cu ajutorul mixerului, pentru a obtine o crema fina.
Odata melcisorii scosi de la cuptor, sunt gata pentru intinderea cremei pe deaupra. Este momentul ideal pentru ca aceasta crema sa patrunda aluatul cald.
"Cinnabons" se servesc calde. Enjoy!
Dough ingredients:
-450-500 gr. flour ( I reccomend 000 type)
-240 ml. warm milk
-100 gr.sugar
-80 gr. soft butter (not melted)
-a little bit of salt
- 2 tsp. active dry east (12gr/plic)
Ingredients for the filling:
-200 gr. sugar (normal or brown)
-80 gr. soft butter
-2 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
-3 tsp. flour (optional)
Ingredients for the icing:
-90 gr. cream cheese (Philladelphia)
-90 gr.butter
-180 gr. powdered sugar
-1/2 tsp. vanilla
-a little bit of salt
Take a big bowl to make the dough and start by dissolving the east into the warm milk. After that, you ad one by one: the sugar, the soft butter, the eggs, the salt and just 300 gr. of the flour. You mix very very well all the ingredients, adding slowly the rest of the flour, until you get a nice elastic dough, just a little bit sticky. Put it in a bowl covered with a towel and take it to a warm place for about an hour. I recommend covering the dough with a piece of plastic and after that, put the towel. I usually do this on every type of dough that I make and I guarantee you that it will rise faster and better.
Once the dough doubled its volume, roll it on the table after you have spread some flour on that surface. You should obtain a dough aprox. 22 inches long and 16 inches wide.
Make the filling by mixing the sugar with the butter, the cinnamon and the flour. If you use the flour too(I don't always use it) and the filling becomes a little bit thick, do not worry, just try to spread it properly on all the surface of the dough and it will become a delicious cream, once you have put it in the oven.
After spreading the filling on the dough, roll it easy, starting
Once you have done the rolls, spread a little bit of oil on a baking pan (round or square, doesn't matter) and place the rolls in the pan, a few cm. away from each other. Put them in the oven for 10 minutes, until they get golden brown.
If you want the rolls to be covered with that icing - I am saying that because I prefer them without it - prepare this topping while the buns are in the oven. Mix the cheese cream with the powdered sugar, with the butter and the vanilla, by using the mixer, to obtain a fine cream.
Once you take out the cinnnabons from the oven, they are ready to be covered with the icing. This is the perfect moment, as the icing will melt and drench the buns!
Serve the cinnabons warm! Enjoy!
If you are interested in a faster recipie for cinnamon buns, take Katie's advices on her blog: Kfar.