Chocolate Candy Cookies
Sursa Chocolate Candy Cookies

articol scris de Guvi blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
I got this recipe from my friend GreenGirl, and I must say it is not only very easy to make, but absolutely de-li-cious!
Am reteta de la Roxana (GreenGirl) si trebuie sa recunosc ca este foarte usor de facut si mai ales delicioasa!
This is what we need: 1.5 cups self-raising flour, 1/4 cup cocoa , 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 package vanilla sugar , 1 egg, 1 egg yolk
Ingrediente: 1,5 cani faina cu agent de crestere, 1/4 cana cacao. 1/4 cana unt, 1/2 cana zahar, 1 pachet zahar vanilat, 1 ou si un galbenus de ou
Place the cocoa, butter cut in small pieces and flour in a food processor and pulse several times (or use your fingers to do the same thing)
Puneti cacaoa, untul taiat bucatele mici si faina in robot si pulsati de cateva ori (sau folositi-va degetele pentru acelasi rezultat)
Add the sugars and the eggs and pulse a few more times
Adaugati zaharul, ouale si zaharul vanilat si mai pulsati de cateva ori
Get the composition out on a cutting board and start kneading it until shaped it into a ball
Scoateti compozitia si framantati pana se leaga aluatul
Divide the dough in 4 pieces, then start rolling small balls out of each piece (you should get about 10 balls per each quarter piece)
Impartiti aluatul in 4 bucati, apoi divizati fiecare bucata cam in 10 bilute
place them on a cookie sheet covered with baking paper, making sure you leave room between them
puneti-le pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt, lasand spatiu intre ele
NOW! Place trays in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, whilst you preheat the oven to 425F.
When the fridge time has passed, take the cookies out, place them into the oven and bake for about 10 minutes, until they start to rise and crack. When done, allow to cool on wire racks.
Puneti bomboanele la frigider pentru cel putin jumatate de ora. Dupa trecerea acestui timp, puneti la cuptor si lasati la copt cam 10 minute, pana cand incep sa creasca si sa se crape. Cand sunt coapte, lasati-le la racit
Melt about 100 gr (3 oz) of chocolate chips, then dip each cookie top down into chocolate. If using decorating sugar, sprinkle it now
Topiti cam 100 gr ciocolata, apoi scufundati partea superioara a fursecului in ciocolata si decorati cu zahar (daca folositi)
Allow the chocolate to dry
Pofta mare!