Chocolate Bonbons With Banana Filling/ Bomboane De Ciocolata Cu Crema De Banane

articol scris de elenapaduretu blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
I've spent a few days looking for the perfect chocolate bonbon. Not as many as I hoped, way too simple, or way to elaborate. Until this one sparkled. It is very simple, a few ingredients, but you really need to pay attention to 3 facts: use only the best dark chocolate, otherwise you will end up with a mediocre bonbon; respect ALL the steps with extra-extra-extra care and be prepared for the mess in the kitchen, chocolate can do that, people; use a silicon brush, with a small circumference but make sure to wash it after every use in hot water. Also, you will need a bonbon mould of silicon and a sugar or jam thermometer (optional).
Saying all that, you will really impress everyone with your marvellous bonbons, making all wonder if you really made these or bought them from a fancy chocolaterie.
Am petrecut cateva zile cautand reteta perfecta de bomboane de ciocolata. Nu asa multe pe cat am sperat, unele prea simple, altele prea elaborate. Pana cand una dintre ele mi-a clipit mai deosebit. O reteta foarte simpla, cu putine ingrediente, dar la care trebuie sa acordati atentie la 3 lucruri: folositi doar cea mai buna ciocolata neagra pe care o gasiti, altfel bomboanele voastre vor fi cel putin mediocre; respectati TOTI pasii cu extra-extra-extra atentie si fiti pregatiti pentru haosul din bucatarie, ciocolata face asta, oameni buni; aveti nevoie de o pensula de silicon de o circumferinta mica, spalati-o dupa fiecare data in apa fierbinte. De asemenea, mai aveti nevoie de o forma din silicon pentru bonboane si de un termometru (optional).
Dupa toate acestea, veti impresiona pe toata lumea cu aceste bomboane minunate, facandu-i pe cei din jur sa se intrebe daca chiar voi le-ati facut sau le-ati cumparat dintr-o ciocolaterie.
Ingredients (30 p.):
100g white chocolate
50ml whipped cream
1 ripped banana
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
2 teaspoons liqueur (optional)
250g dark chocolate 70%
Make the filling cream this way: boil the whipping cream in a pot. Add the white chocolate and mix until it is melted. Turn of the heath. After this cream is cooled, add the banana and smash it with a fork, blend very well, add the liqueur and the vanilla. Se aside.
Melt 3/4 dark chocolate at bain marie until it reaches 52 degrees C. If you don't have a thermometer, take it off the heath right after all the chocolate is melted, don't let it a second more. Then, add the rest of the chocolate and blend well until is melted. This is the secret of a shining bonbon.
Immediately start painting all the walls of the chocolate mould, taking care of reaching the bottom and the margin of the walls. First time I made these bonbons I didn't really knew exactly all the rules, I didn't fill in the margins very well so they came out too thin at the bottom. But this time I took extra care, I've turned the mould upside down so the chocolate reaches the margins.
After filling all the shapes, leave for a few minutes at the room temperature. Put the banana cream in a posh or with a teaspoon. Fill 3/4. Leave for a few minutes. Next is the chocolate lid. The remaining chocolate would have been hardened by now so put it back at bain marie and melt it. This is strongly against all big chefs rules but hey, we are amateurs ;)) and it is quite an OK procedure, the only downside is that it will look slightly different and not as smooth but no one will notice, trust me. If you are perfectionist, you can melt another chocolate at 52 degrees.
The chocolate will harden very fast so work quickly but with care to cover all the margins and not mix the banana cream with the chocolate.
Make sure to work fast with the chocolate, joint the edges carefully. Leave for an hour at the room temperature then chill it in the fridge until the next day. Take all the bonbons with care out of the mould and put them in special paper or in a box.
Ingrediente (30 buc):
100 g ciocolata alba
50 ml frisca lichida
o banana
jumatate fiola vanilie
o lingurita lichior (optional)
250 g ciocolata amaruie 70%
Mod de pregatire:
Preparati crema astfel: intr-o cratita aduceti la fierbere frisca lichida. Adaugati ciocolata alba rupta in bucatele, amestecati bine cu o lingura de lemn pana aceasta se topeste. Luati de pe foc, iar cand crema s-a racit adaugati o banana foarte coapta dar fara parti negre, strivind-o cu furculita. Amestecati foarte bine, puneti o lingurita de lichior si esenta de vanilie.
Separat, topiti trei sferturi din ciocolata amaruie la bain marie pana ajunge la 52 de grade. Daca nu aveti termometru, luati-o de pe foc exact cand toata ciocolata s-a topit, nu o lasati mai mult. Dupa ce ati stins focul, luati recipientul de la bain marie si adaugati restul de ciocolata, rapid, pana aceasta se topeste. Acesta este secretul unor bomboane de ciocolata care stralucesc. Vedeti pozele de mai sus din timpul pregatirii:
Imediat incepeti si vospiti peretii formei de ciocolata, avand grija sa ungeti bine fundul si peretii; prima data cand i-am facut nu am stiut exact ce si cum, marginile nu le-am umplut de ciocolata, de aceea mi-au iesit cam subtiri si nu aveau o forma tocmai potrivita cu ce visam. Dar de data asta, am intors forma cu fundul in sus, pentru ca ciocolata sa mearga si pe margini, masura de siguranta:)
Dupa ce ati umplut toata forma, lasati cateva minute la temperatura camerei. Puneti crema cu un posh sau cu lingurita, in functie de cat de mari sunt formele. Nu puneti pana sus, ci 3 sferturi. Lasati iarasi cateva minute.
Urmeaza sa puneti capacul. Ciocolata se va intari in timpul acesta daca nu lucrati repede, de aceea puteti sa o puneti din nou la bain marie, lucru nerecomandat de marii bucatari, dar daca sunteti amatori ca mine, nu-i niciun bai, nu va arata de nota 10, ci de -10, asa ca e ok;)) Daca insa sunteti perfectionisti, puteti repeta pasul cu topitul unei noi ciocolate la 52 de grade.
Ungeti cu grija sa nu amestecati ciocolata cu crema de banane. Aveti grija sa uniti bine marginile; ideea e sa se lucreze repede pentru ca ciocolata se intareste aproape imediat si trebuie sa aveti o bomboana unitara, sa nu se vada imbinari sau, mai grav, sa nu se lipeasca. Cu practica vin si rezultatele.
Lasati o ora la temperatura camerei apoi puneti in frigider pana a doua zi.
Scoateti usor bomboanele din forma si le puteti pune in forme speciale sau intr-o cutie de carton.