Chilli Prawn Rice Noodles / Taitei Din Orez Cu Creveti

articol scris de elenapaduretu blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
I had some rice noodles leftover from the last time I played with them, and because I love them so much, I've decided to mix them with prawns. I so love this Chinese dish, I usually eat it in restaurants but I didn't know it's so easy and fast to make. The ingredients are relatively easy to find, so you shouldn't be in any troubles. I didn't use the prescribed quantity of soya because I don't like it as much, but knock yourself out:)
Mi-au mai ramas taitei din orez de data trecuta si pentru ca imi plac tare mult, am hotarat sa ii combin cu creveti. Imi place tare mult acest preparat chinezesc, de obicei il servesc in restaurante dar nu stiam ca se face atat de rapid si usor. Ingredientele se gasesc relativ usor, deci nu ar trebui sa intampinati probleme. Eu nu am pus cantitatea de sos de soia scris in reteta pentru ca imi cam displace, dar voi puneti dupa gust:)
Ingredients (4 portions):
1 1/2 tbs peanut oil
400g green prawns, peeled and deveined, tails intact
1 red onion, halved, thinly sliced
200g snow peas, topped and tailed, diagonally halved
2 carrots, cut into short, thin sticks
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
3cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, cut into thin sticks
1 tbs water
450g pkt rice noodles, softened according to packet directions
1/3 cup (80ml) sweet chilli sauce
1/4 cup (60ml) soy sauce
1 tbs lime juice
2 cups bean sprouts
1 bunch coriander, leaves picked
Heat a large wok over high heat. Once the wok is hot, add 1 tablespoon of the oil and carefully swirl around to coat the side of the wok. Heat until very hot.
Add one-third of the prawns to the wok. Stir-fry for 2 minutes or until prawns just change colour. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining prawns in two more batches, reheating wok between each batch. Remove all prawns from wok.
Heat remaining oil in wok over medium-high heat. Add onion, snow peas, carrots, garlic and ginger. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Add water, cover and cook for 30-60 seconds or until vegetables are just tender.
Add rice noodles and combined sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce and lime juice. Toss gently for 1-2 minutes or until heated through. Toss in the prawns. Add the bean sprouts and coriander. Toss to combine. Serve immediately.
Heat a large wok over high heat. Once the wok is hot, add 1 tablespoon of the oil and carefully swirl around to coat the side of the wok. Heat until very hot.
Add one-third of the prawns to the wok. Stir-fry for 2 minutes or until prawns just change colour. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining prawns in two more batches, reheating wok between each batch. Remove all prawns from wok.
Heat remaining oil in wok over medium-high heat. Add onion, snow peas, carrots, garlic and ginger. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes. Add water, cover and cook for 30-60 seconds or until vegetables are just tender.
Add rice noodles and combined sweet chilli sauce, soy sauce and lime juice. Toss gently for 1-2 minutes or until heated through. Toss in the prawns. Add the bean sprouts and coriander. Toss to combine. Serve immediately.
Ingrediente (4 portii):
O lingura jumatate de ulei de alune (am pus vegetal)
400g creveti decojiti
O ceapa rosie taiata felii subtiri
200g mazare pastai, taiate pe diagonala (eu am pus mazare congelata pentru ca nu am avut altceva)
2 morcovi taiati bastonase
2 catei de usturoi taiati felii subtiri
3cm ghimbir proaspat, taiat bastonase
1 lingura apa
450g taitei de orez inmuiati in apa calduta.
80ml sos dulce de chilli (eu am pus jumatate lingurita de sos de chilli picant)
60ml sos de soia
O lingurita suc de lima
2 maini de muguri de fasole
O legatura coriandru
Mod de pregatire:
Incingeti un wok la foc mare. Adaugati o lingura de ulei si lasati pana se incinge bine, avand grija sa acoperiti toti peretii tigaii cu ulei. Adaugati crevetii, prajiti pentru 2 minute apoi puneti deoparte intr-o farfurie.
Incingeti uleiul ramas la foc mediu. Adaugati ceapa, morcovii, mazarea, usturoiul si ghimbirul. Prajiti pentru 2 minute. Adaugati apa, acoperiti cu un capac si lasati pentru 30-60 secunde, sau pana legumele sunt aproape fragede.
Adaugati taiteii din orez scursi bine si sosul de chilli, de soia si sucul de lima. Amestecati usor 1-2 minute. Adaugati crevetii, mugurii de fasole si coriandru frunze intregi. Amestecati 1 minut, asezoati si serviti imediat.
Ingrediente (4 portii):
O lingura jumatate de ulei de alune (am pus vegetal)
400g creveti decojiti
O ceapa rosie taiata felii subtiri
200g mazare pastai, taiate pe diagonala (eu am pus mazare congelata pentru ca nu am avut altceva)
2 morcovi taiati bastonase
2 catei de usturoi taiati felii subtiri
3cm ghimbir proaspat, taiat bastonase
1 lingura apa
450g taitei de orez inmuiati in apa calduta.
80ml sos dulce de chilli (eu am pus jumatate lingurita de sos de chilli picant)
60ml sos de soia
O lingurita suc de lima
2 maini de muguri de fasole
O legatura coriandru
Mod de pregatire:
Incingeti un wok la foc mare. Adaugati o lingura de ulei si lasati pana se incinge bine, avand grija sa acoperiti toti peretii tigaii cu ulei. Adaugati crevetii, prajiti pentru 2 minute apoi puneti deoparte intr-o farfurie.
Incingeti uleiul ramas la foc mediu. Adaugati ceapa, morcovii, mazarea, usturoiul si ghimbirul. Prajiti pentru 2 minute. Adaugati apa, acoperiti cu un capac si lasati pentru 30-60 secunde, sau pana legumele sunt aproape fragede.
Adaugati taiteii din orez scursi bine si sosul de chilli, de soia si sucul de lima. Amestecati usor 1-2 minute. Adaugati crevetii, mugurii de fasole si coriandru frunze intregi. Amestecati 1 minut, asezoati si serviti imediat.