Briose Cu Gem (strawberry Jam Muffins)
articol scris de Brindusa blog
Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga
Scroll down for English recipe
De data asta, fara ciocolata. :)
Ingrediente pentru 26 muffins
- 300 g unt moale
- 100 g zahar brun
- 100 g zahar tos
- 5 oua
- 100 ml lapte
- 400 g faina
- semintele de la un baton de vanilie
- 4 linguri de gem de capsuni
Cum se face:
- Inmoaie putin gemul de capsuni daca e prea tare, pe foc. Poti adauga putin lapte ca sa-l inmoi.
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C
- Cu un mixer bate untul 2-3 minute
- Adauga zaharul si bate 3 minute
- Adauga ouale unul cate unul, amestecand dupa fiecare.
- Adauga vanilia si jumatate din faina. Amesteca
- Adauga laptele, apoi restul de faina. Amesteca dupa fiecare.
- Pune cate 1 lingura de coca in fiecare forma de muffin. Deasupra pune cate o lingurita de gem. Umple formele cu coca.
- Coace 15- 20 minute.
English version
This time, no chocolate. :)
Ingredients for 26 muffins
* 300 g soft butter
* 100 g brown sugar
* 100 g granulated sugar
* 5 eggs
* 100 ml milk
* 400 g flour
* seeds from a vanilla bean
* 4 tablespoons strawberry jam
How To:
* Melt the strawberry jam if it's too hard . You can add a little milk to soften it.
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* With a mixer beat the butter for 2-3 minutes
* Add sugar and beat 3 minutes
* Add eggs one at a time, stirring after each.
* Add vanilla and half the flour. Mix
* Add milk, then remaining flour. Mix after each.
* Put 1 teaspoon of dough in each muffin mold. On top put a teaspoon of jam. Fill the form with dough.
* Bake 15-20 minutes.
Ingredients for 26 muffins
* 300 g soft butter
* 100 g brown sugar
* 100 g granulated sugar
* 5 eggs
* 100 ml milk
* 400 g flour
* seeds from a vanilla bean
* 4 tablespoons strawberry jam
How To:
* Melt the strawberry jam if it's too hard . You can add a little milk to soften it.
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* With a mixer beat the butter for 2-3 minutes
* Add sugar and beat 3 minutes
* Add eggs one at a time, stirring after each.
* Add vanilla and half the flour. Mix
* Add milk, then remaining flour. Mix after each.
* Put 1 teaspoon of dough in each muffin mold. On top put a teaspoon of jam. Fill the form with dough.
* Bake 15-20 minutes.